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辅导 Optimising a DNN Machine Learning at Scale Coursework讲解 Python语言

Optimisinga DNN

Machine Learning at Scale Coursework


The aim of the coursework for Machine Learning at Scale is to take a DNN and optimise it to improve performance and/or reduce runtime. We provide a working network implemented in PyTorch, and associated input dataset, and then you can experiment with this on Cirrus to try and improve performance. The coursework is marked on the report you write, although you will also submit the source code you develop in support of your report.

The DNN we are using can be downloaded from the Learn page for the course, and the data is already on Cirrus at:


This location has already been included in the source code so you should not need to modify the code to use the data. The source code for the network is in the coursework_network_online.tar file on the coursework page on Learn. You should download this to Cirrus.


For the coursework we are using is an implementation of a vision transformer (a good paper reference for vision transformers is online here https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.11929). The vision transformer applies some of the features of language transformers to images and image generation, particularly the ability to include a form. of self-attention that can let the model keep track of dependencies in the input for future data generation. This facilitates the generation of images that include some patterns based on previously seen data.

Figure 1: Example of the type of multi-head attention approach used in transformer architectures

This is important for our test case, where we are looking at trying to predict weather data based on previously seen images of weather fields (fields are individual weather measurements such as temperature, pressure, wind speeds, etc…). This DNN works by reading in actual weather field data and training the network to produce a new output of the field that represents the updated weather in the near future, comparing against the actual recorded weather data for that future time.

There are some profiling annotations in the model code so that if you profile it  using the Nvidia profiling tools we have used in previous exercises you should get a breakdown of where the time is being spent in the model. The profiling annotations take the form. of the following code additions:

torch.cuda.nvtx.range_push(f"step {i}")

These should translate into annotated sections in profiles you collect. You can also add your own profiling parts into the code to track specific sections in a more fine grained manner if that would be useful.

Installing Software Prerequisites

To run this model we need to install and upgrade some software packages. Remember, to do this and ensure the python will work on the compute nodes where the GPUs requires setting a PYTHONUSERBASE variable before you install anything to install the software in a place where it is accessible, i.e. the /work filesystem. Do the following:

module load nvidia/cudnn/8.6.0-cuda-11.8

module load python/3.10.8-gpu

module load libsndfile/1.0.28

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/work/y07/shared/cirrus-software/pytorch/1.13.1- gpu/python/3.10.8/lib/python3.10/site-packages

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/work/y07/shared/cirrus-software/pytorch/1.13.1- gpu/python/3.10.8/lib

export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/work/y07/shared/cirrus-software/pytorch/1.13.1- gpu/python/3.10.8/lib

export PYTHONUSERBASE=/work/m24ol/m24ol/$USER/python-installs

python3 -m pip install torch==2.2.0 torchvision==0.17.0 torchaudio==2.2.0 --index-url


python -m pip install protobuf==3.20

python -m pip install --upgrade tensorboard

python3 -m pip install h5py

You can change the location of the install (i.e. what is set in PYTHONUSERBASE) provided it is on the /work filesystem, however, if you do this you will need to update the batch script. we have provided to point to that location.

Running the model

You have been provided with a batch script. to submit the model and run with a reduced input set to enable relatively swift experimentation (run_coursework.sh). In there you will see that we call the DNN with a parameter, i.e.:

python3 train.py --config short

The parameter short sets up the reduced input runs, but you can also change it to base to run the full input dataset and model. Both these parameters select the configuration from the file in config/coursework_transformer.yaml. You are not necessarily required to change this configuration, but you can see the types of things that are specified in the yaml file, and also add new parameters to that file if you want to be able to control and runtime things you add to the model  (i.e. parallelisation approaches, etc…). Changing the configuration can be a valid approach for optimisation if you can justify why you’re changing it and what performance benefits you expect the change to enable.

The short configuration should run around 4 training epochs and complete in 10 to 20 minutes. You can make this even shorter if required, by reducing either limit_nsamples or num_iters in the input file. The number of epochs to use is automatically calculated by dividing the number of the number of iterations (num_iters) by the data samples to be processes per batch (limit_nsamples/ global_batch_size). For the full run (the base configuration) around 38,000 samples are used with a batch size of 16, giving the data samples per batch as around 2375, and the current configuration uses a num_iters 30,000, meaning the model will run 12 epochs for training.

When you run the code you should get output like this in your batch script.

2024-03-08 02:30:33,527 - root - INFO - Time taken for epoch 2 is

10622.394329 sec, avg 3.572829 samples/sec

2024-03-08 02:30:33,633 - root - INFO -   Avg train loss=0.166270

2024-03-08 02:36:08,512 - root - INFO -   Avg val loss=0.15351414680480957

2024-03-08 02:36:08,526 - root - INFO -   Total validation time:

299.874281167984 sec

You can find more detailed information in the files in the logs directory, particularly the out.log file for the associated run you are looking at. Note,  these log files may get overwritten every time you run the model, so you may want to copy them to a different location if you want to keep them for future analysis/evaluations.


As part of the coursework it is sensible to profile the network to see where the performance bottlenecks are. You can use the nvidia nsight tools, and dlprof, as outlined in previous exercises on the course. If you encounter an issue profiling  where you get error messages such as the following:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fast_multihead_attn'.

You can fix this by installing the following profiling add on which is included in some version of PyTorch, but may not be available in those install on Cirrus:

cd /work/m24ol/m24ol/$USER

git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex

cd apex/

pip install -v --no-build-isolation --no-cache-dir --global- option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" --global-

ption="--fast_multihead_attn" ./


The coursework tasks are for you to try and speed up the model, either by making adjustments and improvements to the code and how it is run in PyTorch, or by adding parallelisation to the model, or by doing both of this. As with any optimisation approach, you should start with profiling the model to see where time is being spent and use that data to guide optimisations you undertake.

The coursework is marked on the report you submit. We are expecting a report of around 10 pages that outlines the profiling and initial performance of the model, and then any optimisation work you have undertaken and what the outcomes of that optimisations were.

There are no required or expected optimisations, any sensible approach at optimising will be acceptable, provided you document and justify this in the report.

You should also consider the impact of any changes you make on the overall quality of the predictions the DNN produces. This means you should document the impact on the training and validation losses that changes cause, and discuss whether those changes should be kept/implemented or not given the impacts on network prediction quality.

Please ensure that you include your exam number in the title of both your report and your source code. This assignment will be marked anonymously so we cannot identify which report goes with which source code unless you include your exam number in the title.

Marking scheme

The report will be marked on:

•   Discussion of the performance of the DNN, optimisations proposed and undertaken, performance achieved, and impact on the quality of the DNN results (i.e. impact on loss metrics) (70).

•   Methodology used in the assignment as demonstrated in the report. This includes general approach, tools used etc (20).

•   Clarity, relevance and presentation of the report (10).

This coursework is due at 11.59, Monday 17th March 2025 (UK Time)

As per the University's Taught Assessment Regulations (for further information see link on Learn course Assessment page) assignments submitted after the deadline (unless granted an extension, see Student Support page on the Learn course) are subject to a 5% penalty per day (i.e. 24 hours) that the assignment is late after the deadline, up to a maximum of seven. Assignments handed in more  than seven days late receive zero marks.

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