Java Lab9: Memo Creator
Fall 2022
This lab is due on Sunday, October 2. Create a project named Lab9. Download and add it to your project.
Problem statement: The Make-a-Note application will let users create several kinds of documents. Each document will be created according to these specifications:
Note: abstract classs that adds one to static int noteCount every time its constructor is called and sets noteNumber to that value; contains the note's name and body; adds the note footer (message at the bottom of every note).
Memo: adds the “From” and “To” fields.
NoteCollection: a collection of your notes.
MakeANote: contains the main program; a generic getMenuChoice( ) method; gets user input. This class is partly coded.
TimedMemo: adds the date of the document’s creation.
PoliteTimed Memo: adds a greeting and a standard closing.
FormattedDate: a helper class for Date handling
Each Memo, TimedMemo, and PoliteTimedMemo will return the note data in the toString() method to be displayed by the main program. These are progressively longer documents, adding the fields described above. See the sample output for an example of each one.
See the table for more details about all the classes.
The main method is in MakeANote. The menu method, getMenuChoice(), will allow a user to create and display multiple documents. As note objects are created, store them in the NoteCollection. The display options are display all notes; display all memos; display all timed memos; display a specific note, chosen by name. See the second table for sample console output.
Member variables
Note (abstract)
• name: String, note name
• body: String, the text of the note or memo
• noteCount: static int, count of the number of notes created (i.e. number of times Note constructor is called); initially 0.
• noteNumber: int
• FOOTER: static String "***** Powered by Make-A-Note *****"
• Note( ): default constructor
• Note(name, body): overloaded constructor; besides settting name and body, increment noteCount and set noteNumber to noteCount's new value.
• getNoteNumber(): returns noteNumber
• toString(): return a formatted String containing the name, body, and noteNumber
• noteList: ArrayListe>
• add(Note): adds a Note object to noteList
• getAllNotes(): return the ArrayList containing all the Notes (of all types)
• getNoteByNumber(int): return the Note with the given number (or null if not found).
• getNoteByName(String name): return only those Notes with the given name, or an empty list if not found.
• static keyboard: Scanner
• static final:
• String[] mainMenu = {"Main Menu", "Create a New Note", "Display existing Note(s)", "Quit"};
• String[] createMenu = {"Note Creation", "Create a Memo", "Create a Timed Memo", "Create a Polite Memo", "Return to previous menu"};
• String[] displayMenu = {"Display Options", "Display all Notes", "Display all Memos", "Display Note by Number", "Display Notes by Name", "Return to previous menu"};
• main(): Starts the program, gets a menu choice from the user, creates the correct type of Note, until the user quits. It will re-use getMenuChoice three times: use the three String[] arrays for each of the three menus
• getMenuChoice(String[] menu): displays a menu, gets a user choice; for now, don't worry about error checking. The zero-th entry is the menu name; the other entries are the menu choices – display these numbered from 1.
If you use nextInt(), follow it with nextLine() to clear out the \n.
This class is partly coded. See the Console I/O table below for some examples of the menus.
Memo extends Note
• from: String, who wrote the memo
• to: String, who the memo is for
• Memo( ) : default constructor
• Memo(name, body, from, to): overloaded constructor; call super(name, body)
• toString(): override of abstract method
extends Memo
• today: String
• TimedMemo(name, body, from, to): overloaded constructor. Use ).toString() to get the current date.
• toString(): override of Memo::toString()
PoliteTimedMe mo extends TimedMemo
• DEFAULT_CLOSING: "Yours truly,"
PoliteTimedMemo(name, body, from, to): constructor toString(): override of TimedMemo::toString()