Economics 5850: Labor Economics
Spring 2025
Problem set 4
Question 1. Gender Wage Gap – OLS estimation
Return to our Project representing Problem Set 1 on the Rstudio cloud computing/collaboration site You used this dataset, and this Project space, for Problem Set 1.
(a) Load dataset PS1_data.Rdata as before. This dataset (still) contains more than 20 distinct variables describing the work and demographic characteristics of 31-35 year-old U.S. workers in 2014, as recorded by the National Longitudinal Study of Youth’s 1997 cohort (our nation’s leading panel data resource on young workers, which is developed and maintained by OSU’s own CHRR.)
[1 point] Create a subsample containing only women, and a subsample containing only men (recall that self-reported gender categories from this earlier era are narrow). Calculate and report the mean wage among the women workers in our sample and the mean wage among the men workers in our sample. (Note that all sample members in PS1_data work positive hours and have positive wages.) What is the difference between the gender means?
(b) Using Ordinary Least Squares, estimate the following Human Capital regression:
where outcome Yi represents the ln(wage)) of worker i, Fi is an indicator taking the value 1 if worker i is female and 0 if worker i is male, Si represents the years of schooling of worker i, and Ei represents the years of work experience of worker i. The final term in (1) is an idiosyncratic error. Subscript. i = 1, … ,n represents the n members of the NLSY97 estimation sample. (This is the Mincer Regression, and has been used to describe the wage returns to schooling and experience by labor economists since Jacob Mincer published this method in the JPE in 1958. But we have modified our Mincer regression to include an indicator for Female.)
[1 point] Which coefficient in (1) describes the gender wage gap, controlling for human capital characteristics?
[1 point] What is your estimate of this coefficient? Is it significant? Does your estimate of the human capital-controlled gender wage gap favor women or men? By how much?
(c) [1 point] Identify the four most common occupations in the dataset, using a tabulation command in Rstudio (or Stata or…). What are they?
Re-estimate expression (1) adding controls for occupation. Create four dummy variables. Each dummy variable represents one of the four most common occupations. The dummy is 1 if the worker has that occupation, and 0 otherwise. Add each of the four dummies to your regression. (What is the omitted occupation in this specification?)
[1 point] What is the new gender wage gap coefficient controlling for human capital
characteristics and occupation? Is it significant? Does it favor women or men? By how much?
2. Gender Wage Gap – Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition
(a) Return to the datasets you created of female-only and male-only workers. Estimate Human Capital regression (1) in each of these two datasets. (Drop the Fi regressor; its coefficient will not be identified in a single-gender sample. Now we are estimating the traditional Mincer regression in each gender subsample.)
[1 point] Record your estimate of each βcoefficient in the female sample and each β coefficient in the male sample.
(b) Calculate the mean of each regressor in expression (1) (schooling, schooling squared, experience squared) for the female-only dataset and for the male-only dataset.
[1 point] Record these means.
(c) Recall that in the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition, the:
Explained component of the gender wage gap =
Unexplained component of the gender wage gap =
Using these formulas, and the coefficient estimates and means you recorded above for your female and male worker samples, calculate:
[1 point] The explained component of the gender wage gap
[1 point] The unexplained component of the gender wage gap.
(d) [1 point] What do you think is the most informative estimate of the gender wage gap – the difference in mean wages by gender, as in 1(a)? The gender wage gap controlling for human capital as in 1(b)? Or the gender wage gap controlling for unionization, industry, and occupation – like an expanded version of 1(c)? Why is this your preferred measure?