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讲解 Java Lab 11: More Memos Fall 2022辅导 Java程序

Java Lab 11: More Memos

Fall 2022

This lab will re-use your solution to Lab 9. Create a new project, Lab11. Copy MakeANote into the src package. Make a new package underneath src named NotePackage. Copy all the other classes from Lab 9 into it. IntelliJ should add “package NotePackage” at the top of each .java file there – make sure that’s true.

1. Change the Note class by having it implement the Comparable interface. Write the compareTo( ) method that compares notes based on their name data field.

2. Add a method to NoteCollection called sortByName( ). It should sort the noteList by calling Collections.sort() with the noteList as a parameter.

3. Add a menu choice to the displayMenu( ) strings, "Sort by Name", before "Return to previous menu". Add that new case (or if-condition, if you coded it that way) to the display sub-menu processing; don't forget to change the case for "Return to previous menu" and the loop condition. When the user chooses this option, call sortByName( ), but don't display it – the user will still have to choose #1 on this submenu.

Test this by adding a few notes with different names; make sure the note list really does display in sorted order.

4. Create a new class (in NotePackage) called NumberSorter that implements the Comparator interface. Implement its compare( ) method, comparing two Note objects on their noteNumber data field.

5. Add a method to NoteCollection called SortByNumber( ). It should sort the noteList by calling Collections.sort( ) with noteList as the first parameter and an instance of NumberSorter as the second parameter.

6. Similar to #3: add a menu choice to the displayMenu( ) strings, "Sort by Number", before "Return to previous menu". Add that new case (or if condition, if you coded it that way) to the display sub-menu processing; don't forget to change the case for "Return to previous menu" and the loop condition. When the user chooses this option, call sortByNumber( ), but don't display it – the user will still have to choose #1 on this submenu.

Again, test this by adding a few notes with different names; make sure the note list really does display in sorted order by number; then sort it by name again and display it.

7. One more time: create a new class SizeSorter that implements Comparator; it should compare the two notes on the size of the String returned by toString( ). Add SortBySize( ) to NoteCollection. Change the display  menu one more time. Test by alternating among the three different sorts

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