Renewable Energy Technologies – 24-25
This document describes your coursework assignment for the module Renewable Energy Technologies
The assignment makes up 25% of the total module mark, i.e. worth 2.5 credits .
- Coursework Release Date – 12/02/2025 at 15:00
- Please submit your assignment on-line via Moodle by the official date and time deadline. The submission link will be available along with the coursework in the same tab as the Module.
- The assignment is a case study exercise (consisting of research and design). Credit will be given for appropriate design choices, backed up by relevant calculations, justification of assumptions and appropriate references to existing wind turbine designs, research papers, etc . (see specifications below).
Instructions for the Wind Turbine Design assignment
Coursework – Present the outline design for a new wind power generation system (wind turbine, generation, and MPPT controls) for Cloud Computing Site in your home city (i.e., birthplace). The power of the system required would be 6MW for students roll numbers ending in 0/3/6, 10MW for students roll numbers ending in 1/4/7 and 16MW for students roll numbers ending in 2/5/8/9. Odd roll numbers will have high speed generator and even roll numbers will have direct drive generator.
Key points to address in the poster while providing outline design.
0. Consider the design exercise (coursework) for horizontal axis wind turbine (you can ignore vertical axis wind turbines for this activity).
1. Clearly indicate the specifications based on the roll number ending digit, birthplace and odd/even roll number.
2. Justify why wind is preferable and what are potential other options (again justify the choices) (options - single renewable, hybrid, or storage based a better option).
3. Determine the historic wind data associated with your location and provide a plot of it.
4. Select a capacity factor and justify your choice.
5. Determine the total installed capacity required based on your choices .
6. The option of using either one full capacity wind turbine or multiple smaller wind turbines (can all be same power rating or different power rating). Justify your selection and if you go for multiple smaller turbines then justify the selected number of smaller wind turbines and their respective power rating.
7. Draw a one-line electrical diagram from an employed electrical system for the wind power generation (starting from source to sink).
8. Explain the outline design of wind turbine.
a. Choice of rated wind speed, tip speed ratio, blade diameter and blade speed
9. Explain the outline design of electrical generator.
a. Selection of generator type, pole number, drive type, gearbox ratio, outer diameter, and stack length (active magnetic length of electrical generator core)
10. Selection of the turbine control strategy. Discuss MPPT in two to three sentences .
11. Pick a current product (wind turbine) that is available on the market closest to the generated design values in point 6.
12. Put relevant references (expected 5 minimum and can be more – please do not provide google and Wikipedia references)
13. Make good use of visuals to make your work exciting from its looks .
Justify any assumptions made as it carries marking weightage.
Note: Only one submission in the pdf form will be allowed. Anything which is not a poster or beyond the poster will not be considered for assessment.
Editing and formatting information/clarification
Please note that there is no word limit, only size limit – one-page poster (see the template for more information). Figure and table should have their own captions, numbering, and short explanation. No appendix needed. Have a balance between text and visuals . Feel free to use flowcharts, smart art, block diagrams, etc . to create an exciting poster. Select contrasting color combinations (avoid use of similar colors – e.g. yellow text on white background). All the topics and sections should have connectivity (should tell one single story) – not like five/six different topics stitched together. Use 1.1 line spacing as minimum, and minimum of 18pt font. Margins as shown in the template. Use “sans serif” style. font.