Development Fieldwork
Workshop for Assignment 1
Assignment 1
• Essay on a policy based on your pathway theme
• 30% of overall mark
• 1,000 word (+/-10%)
• Due: 4 Mar 2pm (Tuesday)
Essay topic
• Describe a pathway-specific policy, or theory, issue in Rwanda and come up with two research questions that directly address it
How to address the essay topic
• Use policy that is given in-pathway
o e.g. Rwanda Vision 2050, 2020 etc.
o This may vary between pathways depending on pathway themes
▪ Eg. if finding a policy on your topic is a challenge in your pathway, your pathway lead may have instructed you to look at a relevant theory instead.
• Give relevant details of the policy
o Use local lit./concepts where/if possible/relevant (see e.g. slides for lecture 1 in Bb)
o Make sure the reader understands what the policy is about
o Base this on your in-pathway readings and discussions
• Articulate clearly what is the issue/problem
o Draw on your in-pathway readings and lectures
o This does not have to be long, but should be clear
o Can be a simple statement of 1-2 sentences
How to address the essay topic, cont'd
• Use academic literature
o Make sure you link your policy issue to relevant academic literature
o This should be something from your in-pathway readings and discussions
o Academic lit. can be theoretical, empirical or both (use your in-pathway lecture/readings as a guide)
• Make sure you have two research questions
o At the end of your essay you should arrive at two interesting questions
o I.e. you have looked at the policy and relevant literature and you think these two questions may be relevant to ask in that context
• Aim to justify why these are relevant questions
o Justifying your two questions depends on what previous research says about issue X, e.g.
o You agree with arguments about policy issue X and provide an example to extend it
o You disagree with arguments about policy issue X and provide an example that shows this
o You have identified a gap in the arguments about policy issue X (something that is missing in previous research/discussion about policy issue X)
Pathway Address your research theme
DM Development and Service Delivery
ECCD Climate Change and Conservation
GTI Industrialisation and Development
PGDP Politics and Governance of Land
MMD Migration and Displacement
PID Participation and Empowerment
Essay structure
• 1,000 words (+/-10%, 900-1,100 )
• 6-7 paragraphs of 150 words each
• Introduction 1-2 paragraphs
• Main body 4 paragraphs
• Conclusion 1 paragraph