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辅导 MKTG7501 Fundamentals of Marketing Sem 1 2025辅导 Java编程


Fundamentals of Marketing

Sem 1 2025

Assessment 2: STP Analysis

Instructions and Guidelines

Weight: 40%

Assessment type: Report (Individual)

Word limit: 2,000 words maximum. Any content submitted beyond the limit is ineligible for marking. Submission format: Word document (.docx is preferable)

Submission due date & time: 20 April 2025, 4:00pm (Brisbane time)

Brief description

This assessment involves analysing a brand to understand and evaluate the company's segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategy. You should approach the task as though you’ve been hired to provide marketing consultancy services to an external company and are beginning with an evaluation of the given brand. You should use the template and provide relevant evidence and theory when evaluating the company’s current strategy.

This assessment aims to increase learner knowledge of segmenting, targeting and positioning and the importance of having this strategic direction when executing a marketing mix. Evaluation is a crucial component of this task, using theory to support conclusions.

The brand for this semester is Spinifex Skateboards (consider only the brand’s skateboard product line)

You are expected to complete desktop research by identifying, analysing and evaluating evidence of the company’s marketing activities and exploring industry reports of influence. Further, the application of evidence against  theoretical  foundations and frameworks is imperative for completing  this assessment.

Report requirements

Please ensure you consult the marking criteria or marking rubric (available in Assessment 2: STP Analysis - Guide & Submission Link folder within the Assessment section) to fully understand the expectations. The report should follow the provided template (additional subheadings can be added) and have a maximum word count of 2000, excluding the reference list. Everything else, including tables, figures, headings, and captions, is included in the word count. There are no appendices for this task, so all content must fit within the word limit. You do not need to include a cover sheet.

APA 7 Referencing is required (use the Library style. guide). The report should include a mix of quality peer-reviewed scholarly sources to discuss theory,  industry  reports to  establish the  context, and websites that host firm details and competitor insights. There is no specific number of sources required, but reports that do not include evidence and theory will lack rigour and will not perform. well.

Where should I start?

This report requires in-depth analysis and evaluation, which takes time. Please start this early so you have time to thoroughly work through all areas. There are many places to start, but some ideas for you include …

Ensure you’ve watched the lecture discussions on assessment

Watch the library video on how to conduct research accessed via Library Guide

Conduct a search to find evidence (check their website and search others)

Look at industry reports and statistics, accessed via Library

Look up scholarly articles. Start with your textbook, conduct further keyword research in the library if needed and follow leads from the textbook.

Activities in tutorials give you important information on how to apply theory to practice.

Active participation in these activities facilitates the replication of knowledge in your assessment.

Other important instructions/guidelines

This evaluation is in relation to the Australian market only.

The full report must be submitted electronically through Online Turnitin Submission. The submission link is in the Assessment 2: STP Analysis - Guide & Submission Link folder within the Assessment section on the course Blackboard site.

References should be included for ALL works cited in the report – don’t forget information relating to the company, any theory, industry, trade, competitors and news materials.

Under no circumstances should students contact the business involved. Penalties will apply. We are not interested in the firm’s perspective; we are looking for your analysis of evidence, so there are no advantages to contacting the firm, rather it will be detrimental.

Formatting requirements

Line spacing 1.5, font Arial, font size 11pt, standard margins (use the template)

The word count includes ALL content (except the reference list). Any tables/figures/captions are all included. Therefore, it is your task to prioritise which information is critical and which is not. Any content over the maximum word limit provided will not be assessed, and penalties will apply.

Detailed guidance on assessment elements/sections

A template document  has  been  provided  for you  to  complete  the  STP  analysis  report  (see  the Assessment 2 Template in Assessment 2: STP Analysis - Guide & Submission Link folder). Working with the template, the following identifies the specific analysis expected within the template. Where you are asked to ‘identify’ , this involves presenting the evidence from market/reports, then considering and analysing the evidence and theory to determine the most logically aligned conclusions. You need to explain how you come to the conclusion, not just list it. Below are the detailed guidelines on various elements/sections of the template.

Template explained

Remember, for all elements/sections of this report, this is NOT a new proposal but your informed view of their current approach. To explain the template below, we use examples of Nike Alphafly relating to tutorial discussions, but this is NOT the brand for this semester. Ensure your assessment focuses on the Spinifex Skateboards for this semester noted on page 1 of this guide (as highlighted in yellow).

1.   Introduction

Introduction to the report and company, with an examination of the market (background).

Consult IBISWorld and other industry resources to inform. the discussion.

This requires you to identify the industry of the product (eg. Nike Alphafly is in the footwear industry and also the fitness industry).

Also, identify any important industry trends (eg. For Nike Alphfly think about potential growth in the fitness industry, increased competition or perhaps low demand – all relevant to understanding the market).

2.   Segmentation

Segmentation evaluation: Review all bases of segmentation (demographic, psychographic, geographic, behavioural) to detail the segmentation of the current market.

Complete the table by evaluating the relevance of each variable of every base of segmentation.

Influential variables: Identify which variables are the most meaningful for this offering, with justification supported by theory.

Discuss in depth which variables are more important to our offering and why (e.g. Income  might be important for expensive Nike Alphafly [explain why this would be the case], but is geographic region important – why or why not, what evidence supports this).

3.  Targeting

Target strategy: Identify which target market strategy the firm is executing (select one only, either: mass, segmented, niche, local or individual), with justification aligned to theory and evidence.

Target characteristics: Identify the target characteristics that are most important for our offering and explain why you perceive the characteristic to be the most attractive target.

E.g., if we identified income as an important variable for Nike Alphafly, now we will note the demographic details of our target (see below table).


Target characteristics


Income: High income earners, earning more than

$200,000 with high disposable income (add evidence as to why this is the right group, consider how many people in

Australia earn this amount)

Age: 35 – 50 years, active but aging individuals needing improved running support (add evidence as to why this is the right group)

Persona: Develop a customer persona, explaining the key characteristics of influence.

4.   Positioning

Differentiation: Identify how the product differs from close competitors (select one only, either: product, service, channels, people or image), with justification aligned to theory.

Perceptual map: Create and insert a perceptual map (simple to do in PowerPoint), identifying close competitors using relevant attributes.

Identify 2 (two) most influential variables/attributes, 1 for the X axis and 1 for the Y axis.

Map the position of the brand on the selected variables/attributes, relative to important competitors.

Positioning evaluation:

Complete the table by evaluating the position against each criterion. E.g.


Evaluation explanation


The superior performance and vibrant image of the Nike Alphafly (as identified in perceptual map), is

highly valued by the target customer, with

RunningShoes Magazine (running.c0m, 2024) listing this as the most important feature for any long

distance running shoe.

5.   Positioning statement and conclusion

Develop a positioning statement that clearly illustrates the firm’s target and position [using the formula: To (target segment and need), our (brand) is (concept) that (point of difference)], drawing on prior discussions in your STP analysis to justify.

Final evaluation of the effectiveness of the STP for this offering.

Consider all that you have evaluated within the report and draw some final conclusions about whether this is a desirable position for the product.

6.   Reference list

Follow the APA guide from the library (APA 7th)

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