ECE 121DA Semiconductor Processing and Device Design I
Winter 2024 PN Junction Design Assignment
(Due Date: March 2, 2024, midnight online)
This individual assignment aims to familiarize you with the semiconductor device design TCAD tool introduced in class. You are allowed to work with other students in the class (your group members and others) but each student must upload their own assignment. This is effectively a one dimensional simulation but you will gain experience so that you and your group can effectively set up the two dimensional MOSFET simulation.
1) Abrupt vs. Graded Junctions. Create n+-p junctions in silicon with the n+ and p concentration to be 5×1019 cm-3 and 1017 cm-3 respectively. For the following two cases:
i) An abrupt n+ to p transition
ii) A linearly graded n+ to p transition over ~1 mm
a) Simulate the current-voltage characteristics at an operating temperature of 25°C, 75°C and 150°C.
b) Extract the reverse breakdown voltage at each temperature.
Compare and explain any differences observed in the above cases. Please plot all three temperature IV (current-voltage) curves for each diode on the same semilogarithmic plot. Extract all the relevant device information (energy band diagram, carrier concentration, etc.) to support your argument(s).
* You should hand in your solutions with written discussions online. In addition, submit ALL your simulation input files online on the course website before the due date.