Criteria for assessment
(Teacher Use)
Select a CMS that is suitable for the client and their organisational requirements. Supply the active and working link to the URL of your website.
Please place working link to your website here:
Document the structure of your website as a current sitemap. (Always update the sitemap to keep it current)
Insert your site map here:
Plan layout and navigation flow in a basic sketch. Indicate the reading pattern or eye-scanning pattern you are aiming for with the aid of lines. Arrange the content in a logical order for improved UX (user experience) including appearance, readability, links and ease of use.
Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A
Select a theme or template that matches the brand guide and will achieve consistency and alignment with the organisational branding. Document the style. guide of the selected theme/template. Embed screenshots showing colour schemes, font use, logos and other style. components.
Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A
Evaluate the suitability of the selected theme/template by comparing the style. guide to the brand guide and by considering the taste and expectations of the target audience. Discuss suitability of: (approximately 150-250 words)
navigation flow
ease of use
other elements
Enter your response to the following question (5):
Create and document a list of 10 or more suitable keywords based on keyword research in order of popularity. Nominate the names of keyword tools you have used and include screenshots of your keyword organic search results.
Please list the keywords below:
Develop persuasive copy for the headings, paragraph copy and suggest web page titles for the web pages. It needs to include copy for a blog post. All copy needs to:
a. include the top keywords from your keyword research
b. align with organisational guidelines
c. use persuasive copy writing techniques (engaging headlines, in the language of the user, promote benefits and features, connect with the audience and include a clear CTA – call to action)
d. Include product descriptions, purchasing information and promotional content
e. Document all copy as screenshots of the web pages.
Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A
Develop image content suitable to the target audience, accurately representing products and services for your post and two web pages. The images can be created by you or sourced from a third party. You may use images from image websites, that use Creative Commons imagery. Edit the images with the CMS or with image editing software to produce a high quality and visually appealing outcome to suit the dimensions and look of the website. Document all your images, their sources, photographers or creators and copyright status.
Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A
Develop and publish a website with three webpages. Supply screenshots of each web page. The website needs to include:
a. Blog with one blog post with an image of high quality and with comments and uploads available
b. Interactive Form. to allow for customer data input or feedback
c. Quality images being featured as part of the website and on each web page
d. Two videos, which may be embedded from a third-party site
e. Font styles for Headings 1–6 and for paragraph text
f. One or more bullet list/s or numbered list/s
g. Search bar
h. Active links to other websites
i. Navigation with active internal links
j. Social media sharing
k. Feedback facility with options for uploads
l. Downloadable content
Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A
Proofread all copy and on two devices (PC and mobile device), test all links and other website functions, navigation and content for accuracy. Submit a statement of results for both devices that confirms that you have completed this.
Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A
Prototype a social media post, with a heading, copy, images and a video. Determine social media network and format for post. Align it with the brand guide and style. guide for your website. Complete this in written format and base it on the content created for the pages or blog post.
Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A