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讲解 MKTG6112C Prepare Digital Content for a Website


Task Number

1 of 2

Task Name

Prepare Digital Content for a Website

National unit/s code


National unit/s title

Develop a basic website for customer engagement.

National qualification code


National qualification title

Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business

RMIT Program code


RMIT Course code


Assessment Information

Assessment duration and/or due date

Please refer to the Submission dates in the Design Canvas shell under the ‘Assignments’ tab.

Task instructions

Type of Product (tick which applies)



ü Portfolio

Case study

Summary and Purpose of Assessment

This is the first of two (2) assessment tasks for SIRXOXM005 to demonstrate completing these skills and knowledge to plan for the building of a website suited to a Marketing and Communication context. In this assessment you will document the steps involved when developing a website and develop three pages as evidence as well as a prototype of a social media post.

Assessment Instructions


You will develop a basic trial website with three webpages, the prototype of a social media post and complete a report.

You will use this website to learn how to use a Content Management System (CMS) or website builder. You will develop original content, including copy (text) that has been optimised for the Web. You will apply current and necessary Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices to the website during the development stages. The style. of the website will need to align with a brand guide given to you by your teacher or agreed upon with your teacher.

This assessment task has three parts:

Part A: Planning

Part B: Development

Part C: Knowledge Questions


You will be provided some class time to work on this assessment, however, it is expected that the majority of this assessment will be completed outside of class.


Your submission will be assessed against the criteria as listed in marking guide in Section B. You will be assessed as Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. To achieve a satisfactory result, you will need to address all criteria satisfactorily.

Instructions on submitting your project/portfolio/report

Please upload your assessment task through the Website and Marketing Canvas shell > Assignments > Assessment Task One.

We ask you to submit a single file only, preferably in either Word or PDF format, which can be done through combining all your Word files into a single Word file.  You may also save them as a single PDF file using Acrobat Pro for submission. If your submission contains files of multiple formats, then submit them all in a single zip file. Please make sure you number each file in sequence as they appear in your assessment instructions.

Whatever file you submit, name the file as follows: your surname, student no, cluster name, the task number and submission date:

Example: Jones_s1234567_WebsiteandMarketing_Task1_020323

Conditions of Assessment

· Students must submit all assessment evidence as instructed. The assessor will assess the documentation the student provides.

· Students must complete the task within the maximum allowed duration

· Students must make arrangements with their assessor at least one week prior to the assessment due date if you feel they require special allowance or allowable adjustment to this task

· You must submit completed copies of all required documents as outlined in the marking guide.

· Students will have the opportunity to resubmit any product deemed unsatisfactory (one re-submission is allowed per unit).

· If the product assessment is a group-based activity each student will be assessed individually against all assessment criteria

· Students will be assessed as satisfactory or not satisfactory

· Students can appeal the assessment decision according to the RMIT Assessment Processes.

Equipment/resources students must supply (if applicable):

Equipment/resources to be provided by RMIT or the workplace (if applicable):

· Website CMS Software

· Computer for access to internet services

· Online Learning Modules

Section A – Planning

Criteria for assessment


(Teacher Use)





Document the folder structure as a flow chart. Use these folders to archive your final files with version control for files. Versions can be tracked in the naming of files. Provide evidence in the form. of screenshots of each folder with the files and file names visible.

Please indicate which appendix number this evidence has been provided in or place the screenshots within this text field.


State the purpose of the website. List stakeholders and explain what the client would use the website for. Identify required functions, capabilities and security requirements of the website. (approximately 150-250 words).

Enter your response to the following question (2):


Research and analyse 3 Content Management Systems (CMS) e.g. WordPress, Squarespace, Wix. Use independent websites and reviews to assist you in analysing and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each of the following aspects:

a. market share/popularity

b. cost structure/plans

c. responsive/mobile-friendly design

d. hosting services

e. plugins

f. security

g. support/help

h. how intuitive the user interface is and any limitations it poses

Enter your response to the following question (3):

CMS 1:

CMS 2:

CMS 3:


Engage with the brand guide and Tone of Voice documentation given to you by your teacher. Embed screenshots of the colour scheme, font use, logos and other brand components. Include organisational guidelines on use of language and tone. (Note: if you have no access to a Tone of Voice document generate a recommendation covering language, style. and tone suitable to the sample organisation).

Please place your Style. Guide Here;

Section B – Planning

Criteria for assessment

(Teacher Use)





Select a CMS that is suitable for the client and their organisational requirements. Supply the active and working link to the URL of your website.

Please place working link to your website here:


Document the structure of your website as a current sitemap. (Always update the sitemap to keep it current)

Insert your site map here:


Plan layout and navigation flow in a basic sketch. Indicate the reading pattern or eye-scanning pattern you are aiming for with the aid of lines. Arrange the content in a logical order for improved UX (user experience) including appearance, readability, links and ease of use.

Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A


Select a theme or template that matches the brand guide and will achieve consistency and alignment with the organisational branding. Document the style. guide of the selected theme/template. Embed screenshots showing colour schemes, font use, logos and other style. components.

Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A


Evaluate the suitability of the selected theme/template by comparing the style. guide to the brand guide and by considering the taste and expectations of the target audience. Discuss suitability of: (approximately 150-250 words)




navigation flow


ease of use

other elements

Enter your response to the following question (5):


Create and document a list of 10 or more suitable keywords based on keyword research in order of popularity. Nominate the names of keyword tools you have used and include screenshots of your keyword organic search results.

Please list the keywords below:


Develop persuasive copy for the headings, paragraph copy and suggest web page titles for the web pages. It needs to include copy for a blog post. All copy needs to:

a. include the top keywords from your keyword research

b. align with organisational guidelines

c. use persuasive copy writing techniques (engaging headlines, in the language of the user, promote benefits and features, connect with the audience and include a clear CTA – call to action)

d. Include product descriptions, purchasing information and promotional content

e. Document all copy as screenshots of the web pages.

Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A


Develop image content suitable to the target audience, accurately representing products and services for your post and two web pages. The images can be created by you or sourced from a third party. You may use images from image websites, that use Creative Commons imagery. Edit the images with the CMS or with image editing software to produce a high quality and visually appealing outcome to suit the dimensions and look of the website. Document all your images, their sources, photographers or creators and copyright status.

Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A


Develop and publish a website with three webpages. Supply screenshots of each web page. The website needs to include:

a. Blog with one blog post with an image of high quality and with comments and uploads available

b. Interactive Form. to allow for customer data input or feedback

c. Quality images being featured as part of the website and on each web page

d. Two videos, which may be embedded from a third-party site

e. Font styles for Headings 1–6 and for paragraph text

f. One or more bullet list/s or numbered list/s

g. Search bar

h. Active links to other websites

i. Navigation with active internal links

j. Social media sharing

k. Feedback facility with options for uploads

l. Downloadable content

Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A


Proofread all copy and on two devices (PC and mobile device), test all links and other website functions, navigation and content for accuracy. Submit a statement of results for both devices that confirms that you have completed this.

Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A


Prototype a social media post, with a heading, copy, images and a video. Determine social media network and format for post. Align it with the brand guide and style. guide for your website. Complete this in written format and base it on the content created for the pages or blog post.

Please indicate where your assessor will find this evidence: eg: appendix A

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