Assignment Remit
Programme Title
Department of Economics
Module Title
LI Contemporary Issues in the UK Economy
Module Code
07 23274
Assignment Title
Assignment (Main)
Module Learning Outcomes:
This assignment is designed to assess the following module learning outcomes:
Critically evaluate aspects of UK economic performance and policy
Apply understanding of economic concepts to real-world situations
Demonstrate an understanding of how economic theory is used to formulate policy
Your submission will be marked using the Grading Criteria given below.
Suppose that you are an Economic Adviser to the UK Government. You are asked to write a 1,500 word report on one of the following topics to help inform. an ongoing policy review:
The Chief Economist for the Department for Education has asked you to provide an economic evaluation of the forthcoming increase in the tuition fee cap for Home university students in England (75%). Conclude your report by offering recommendations as to how university finances can be placed on a more stable footing in future (25%).
The Chief Economist for the Department for Work & Pensions has asked you to provide an economic evaluation of the policy of auto-enrolment into workplace pension schemes in the UK (75%). Conclude your report by offering recommendations as to how this policy could be modified in future to deliver better outcomes (25%).
For both titles: present a balanced argument initially before offering policy recommendations towards the end of your report.
Referencing: use the Harvard system of referencing for this question.
Word limit: 1,500 words +10%. Diagrams, data plots and equations are excluded from the word count. The list of references at the end of your report is also excluded. However, in-text citations are included in the word count.