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讲解 Exploring the concept of literacy as it relates to real-world educational settings调试SPSS

Exploring the concept of literacy as it relates to real-world educational settings

Introductory comments:

The aim of this document is to provide you with some guidance on how to write the summative essay for the LLC module. However, please, consider the following as guidance, and not as a prescriptive template. You are able and allowed to work through the requirements differently.

There are 3 elements you need to connect in the essay:

1. A concept from the module that relates to literacy: The concepts from the modules are listed on the moodle space, but you will find you have a broad choice:

Literacy and literacy practices, Role of literacy in forming identity,

Relationship between language and literacy, Literacy and learning, The link between literacy and citizenship, Literacy and politics of language, Literacy and power of language.

2. Real-world educational setting: The definition of an educational setting is equally broad – a place and space where people learn. We may think of locations like schools or museums, but we can also think of learning at home in families, where babies learn to walk and talk, or learning online. The educational setting you choose will therefore link to your understanding of what constitutes learning and how we learn.

3. Educational resource: The educational resource can be anything such as a textbook, a website, a worksheet, a social media platform. or an app.  The key will be to explain how your chosen resource is an educational resource that relates to literacy and how it is used in your chosen educational setting.

The best starting point is probably to identify what aspect of literacy is of interest to you and which educational resource you can draw on and then consider what educational setting this source can be used in.

Sample essay outline

Here is an example for how you can structure your essay.

Please, remember this is not prescriptive! You may want to swap sections around, or you may have your own very personal way of presenting the content.

But if you are unsure, you can use this outline to help you.


Approximately 150 words

In this section you should introduce your topic.

The easiest way to do that is to highlight your personal experiences and refer to your personal interests. Consider what made you choose your topic, for example.

Definition of the Literacy concept

Approximately 350 words

In this section you should demonstrate your knowledge about literacy as a key concept and what aspect of literacy and relevant concepts you would like to explore. If you have chosen more than one concept, then make sure that your definition section gives similar weight to each of them.

Also, this is a section where you will need relevant literature to explain, explore and define your concept(s). Ideally, you will put forward different views from different authors, and then highlight how you personally define and interpret the concept(s).

Educational context and educational resource

Approximately 350 words

This part of the essay deals with your chosen educational context. What kind of educational setting are you referring to in your essay? What do you define as your educational resource? Why did you choose it? In this section, you may need to refer to some literature relating to the educational resource. You may want to include a photograph or screenshot here to explain your resource.

Applying the concept

Approximately 500 words

This is an analytical section where you combine the previous two sections. Your task is here to your chosen concept(s) connect to the concept of literacy and the educational resource can illustrate this. You can do that by showing how the theories/concepts have shaped the educational resource and how its use links literacy to the concepts. Again, you may want to include photographs to exemplify and explain that link you are making.


Approximately 150 words

In this section you should provide a conclusion to your essay.

Write about what you were trying to achieve with this essay. For example: what did you show, which concepts did you connect to literacy, which educational resources and educational context did you choose to link to your chosen concept – and why.


Not included in the word count.

If you are using sources in a language other than English, you are required to translate the source into English for the bibliography.

For example:

If you have used this source:

König, K., & Oloff, F. (2018). Die Multimodalität alltagspraktischen Erzählens. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik48(2), 277-307.

You should reference it as:

König, K., & Oloff, F. (2018). Die Multimodalität alltagspraktischen Erzählens. [The multimodality of the everyday narrative]. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik48(2), 277-307. (read in German).

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