Assignment Description
For this assignment, you will write a 1.5-page, single-spaced paper analyzing one of the empirical readings assigned in class that includes a study. Use 12 pt Times New Roman font and normal (2.54 inches top, bottom, left, and right) margins. Anything reasonably beyond 1.5 pages (60% of the 2nd page or more) will not be read or marked. If your assignment is shorter than 1.5 pages but addresses all the components, you will not be penalized.
A list of which papers you can select for this assignment include:
• Poole, K. L., Saigal, S., Van Lieshout, R. J., & Schmidt, L. A. (2020). Developmental
programming of shyness: A longitudinal, prospective study across four decades. Development and Psychopathology, 32, 455–464.
• Almas, A. N., Degnan, K. A., Walker, O. L., Radulescu,A., Nelson, C. A., Zeanah, C. H., & Fox, N. A. (2015). The effects of early institutionalization and foster care intervention on children's social behaviors at the age of eight. Social Development, 24(2), 225–239.
• Kieras, J. E., Tobin, R. M., Graziano, W. G., & Rothbart, M. K. (2005). You can't always get what you want: Effortful control and children's responses to undesirable gifts. Psychological Science, 16(5), 391–396.
• Cole, P. M., Bruschi, C. J., & Tamang, B. L. (2002). Cultural differences in children's emotional reactions to difficult situations. Child Development, 73, 983–996.
• Yanaoka, K., Michaelson, L. E., Guild, R. M., Dostart, G., Yonehiro, J., Saito, S., & Munakata, Y. (2022). Cultures crossing: The power of habit in delaying gratification. Psychological Science, 33, 1172–1181.
• Hassan, R., & Schmidt, L. A. (2024). How biology shapes the development of shyness within specific contexts: A longitudinal, cross-lagged investigation. Developmental Psychology, 60, 2178–2188.
• Boeve, J. L., Beeghly, M., Stacks, A. M., Manning, J. H., & Thomason, M. E. (2019).
Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model to assess maternal and infant contributions to mother-infant affective exchanges during the Still-Face Paradigm. Infant Behavior. and Development, 57, 101351.
• Borairi, S., Plamondon,A., Rodrigues, M., Sokolovic, N., Perlman, M., & Jenkins, J.
(2023). Do siblings influence one another? Unpacking processes that occur during sibling conflict. Child Development, 94, 110–125.
• Bowker, J. C., Fredstrom, B. K., Rubin, K. H., Rose-Krasnor, L., Booth-LaForce, C., & Laursen, B. (2010). Distinguishing children who form. new best-friendships from those who do not. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27, 707–725
• Ladd, G. W. (1990). Having friends, keeping friends, making friends, and being liked by peers in the classroom: Predictors of children's early school adjustment? Child Development, 61, 1081–1100.
• Paulus, M., & Moore, C. (2014). The development of recipient-dependent sharing
behavior. and sharing expectations in preschool children. Developmental Psychology, 50, 914–921.
• Malti, T., Gasser, L., & Gutzwiller‐Helfenfinger, E. (2010). Children's interpretive understanding, moral judgments, and emotion attributions: Relations to social behaviour. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 28, 275–292.
• Gülgöz, S., Edwards, D. L., & Olson, K. R. (2022). Between a boy and a girl: Measuring gender identity on a continuum. Social Development, 31, 916–929.
• Olson, K. R., Durwood, L., DeMeules, M., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2016). Mental health of transgender children who are supported in their identities. Pediatrics, 137, e20153223.
Your goal is to critically engage with the paper and connect it to key themes in developmental psychology. Instead of summarizing the paper, you will complete the following tasks:
Assignment Sections
1. Link to an Enduring Theme in Developmental Psychology:
Choose one of the enduring themes in developmental psychology (from Chapter 1 of your textbook) and explain how the empirical reading you selected illustrates this theme. Use specific evidence or examples from the paper to make your argument clear.
o Themes to choose from:
How do nature and nurture together shape development? (Nature and nurture)
How do children shape their own development? (The active child)
In what ways is development continuous, and in what ways is it discontinuous? (Continuity/discontinuity)
How does change occur? (Mechanisms of change)
How does the sociocultural context influence development? (The sociocultural context)
How do children become so different from one another? (Individual differences)
How can research promote children’s well-being? (Research and children’s welfare)
2. Identify and Describe a Conceptual Criticism:
Go beyond surface-level criticisms (e.g., "the sample size is small; the sample is not generalizable") to provide a thoughtful and well-reasoned critique of the study. Consider the paper's conceptual framework, the research questions, or its broader implications. For instance, you might evaluate whether the study's methods align with its theoretical claims, question the assumptions underlying the study, or explore limitations in how the findings were interpreted.
3. Propose a Follow-Up Study or Extension:
Design a follow-up study or an extension of the research that addresses one of the criticisms you raised in Section 2. Your proposal should include:
o A brief description of the research design (e.g., participants, methods, procedures).
o How the proposed study addresses your criticism.
o How the follow-up study connects to a different enduring theme in developmental psychology than the one you discussed in Section 1.
Note: You do not need to summarize the paper; assume your audience is familiar with the study.
Tips for Success
• Be specific and detailed: Avoid vague statements. Use evidence from the study to support your claims.
• Think critically: Your conceptual criticism and follow-up study should demonstrate depth of thought and an understanding of developmental psychology themes.
• Proofread: Ensure your paper is well-written and adheres to formatting guidelines.
This assignment challenges you to think critically about research and connect it to foundational themes in developmental psychology, developing your analytical and synthesis skills.
Rubric (Out of 100 Points)
Content (75 Points)
• Link to an Enduring Theme (25 Points):
o Clearly identifies and accurately links the study to one enduring theme
o Provides specific evidence from the study to justify the link
• Conceptual Criticism (25 Points):
o Goes beyond surface-level issues to provide a thoughtful and relevant criticism.
o Critique is conceptually grounded, logical, and well-explained
• Follow-Up Study or Extension (25 Points):
o Thoughtfully designs a follow-up study or extension that addresses a raised criticism
o Clearly links the proposed study to a different enduring theme, with justification.
Clarity and Organization and Writing Quality (25 Points)
• Ideas are presented in a clear, logical, and coherent manner (10 points)
• Writing is concise, professional, and free of grammatical errors. (15 points)
• Proper APA format is used, including a title page (10 points)