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讲解 ARTS1480 French 1 - 2025讲解 Python编程

ARTS1480 French 1 - 2025

General Course Information

Course Code :  ARTS1480

Year :  2025

Term :  Term 1

Teaching Period :  T1

Is a multi-term course? :  No

Faculty :  Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture

Academic Unit :  School of Humanities and Languages

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

Why not join the rich, vibrant and diverse community of French speakers around the world and become a global citizen? The French-speaking world represents one of the biggest international linguistic zones in the world with an estimated 321 million speakers spread on all 5 continents. This course will take you through the basics of language acquisition and introduce you to elements of French culture: you will gain the basic competencies necessary to speak and write about yourself, your family, your friends and your personal preferences, and teach you how to introduce yourself and interact appropriately in a professional environment.

By the end of this course, you will be able to order dinner in Paris, introduce yourself to your new French-speaking colleagues or make friends with Francophone citizens from all over the world. You will also be given the essential tools to further your discovery of the language and embark on a learning journey that may never stop... Fall in love with the language and culture and start  dreaming about your next holiday or your future work assignment, we are here to help you achieve your goals.

This course is a beginners-level language course. All students who have had some experience with the language, either as a heritage language or through previous instruction, must fll in the  placement questionnaire available at https://www.unsw.edu.au/arts-design-architecture/our-schools/humanities-languages/student-life/resources-support/language-placements. You will not be permitted to enrol in a language course that is too easy for you. If this occurs, you will be requested to change your enrolment.

Relationship to Other Courses

This is the frst level of study of the French language in our progression at UNSW. It is not suitable for students who have acquired prior knowledge and/or experience of the language.

Upon completion of the course, you will be able to enrol into ARTS1481 French 2, offered in T3 2025.

ARTS1480 corresponds to the start of the A1 level on the European Framework for Languages (CEFR).

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 : Use a very basic range of vocabulary and phrases in French and apply a few simple rules of grammar

CLO2 : Identify essential structural differences between native language and French

CLO3 : Understand and use the French language in short interactions in familiar everyday situations

CLO4 : Compare and use appropriate degrees of formality of expression in both familiar and professional environments

Course Learning Outcomes

Assessment Item

CLO1 : Use a very basic range of vocabulary and   phrases in French and apply a few simple rules of grammar

Refective learning journal


• Video assignment

CLO2 : Identify essential structural differences between native language and French

Refective learning journal

CLO3 : Understand and use the French language in short interactions in familiar everyday situations


• Video assignment

Refective learning journal

CLO4 : Compare and use appropriate degrees of formality of expression in both familiar and

professional environments


• Video assignment

Refective learning journal

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System | Zoom

Learning and Teaching in this course

We endeavour to create an inclusive and respectful learning environment in which everyone feels safe and comfortable. Speaking to other students and interacting with persons of very diverse backgrounds and origins are essential components of the course. Let us know if/how we can better help you enjoy our classes.

Additional Course Information

Learning a language requires a high level of dedication; apart from your class time, you will need to spend at least 6 hours of study per week.


Assessment Structure

Assessment Item


Relevant Dates

Refective learning journal

Assessment Format: Individual Short Extension: Yes (2 days)


Start Date: Not Applicable

Due Date: Weeks 1 & 2 due 03/03;

weeks 3 & 4 due 17/03; weeks 5 & 7

due 07/04 and weeks 8, 9, 10 due 28/04 - all at 6pm.


Assessment Format: Individual


Start Date: Not Applicable

Due Date: 19/03 and 16/04/25

Video assignment

Assessment Format: Individual Short Extension: Yes (3 days)


Start Date: Not Applicable

Due Date: 01/05/2025 06:00 PM

Assessment Details

Refective learning journal

Assessment Overview

Students will complete a journal fortnightly, consisting of short consolidation activities and refect on their learning experience (both in and out of class), so as to better monitor their learning progress and identify strategies to address difculties. As part of their journal, students will be asked to constitute a body of 10 artefacts produced in class, upon which to base their refective work.

Length: up to 200 words and/or 1 to 3-minute recordings in French + 400 words in English. Fortnightly written feedback + fnal rubric with numerical mark.

Course Learning Outcomes

·  CLO1 : Use a very basic range of vocabulary and phrases in French and apply a few simple rules of grammar

·  CLO2 : Identify essential structural differences between native language and French

·  CLO3 : Understand and use the French language in short interactions in familiar everyday situations

·  CLO4 : Compare and use appropriate degrees of formality of expression in both familiar and professional environments

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