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辅导 MULTIMEDIA Assessment 2 – Title Sequence辅导 Processing



Assessment 2 – Title Sequence

Due: Week 11 – Friday 4:00 pm

Project Overview

For this assessment, you will develop a series of skills that introduce you to the fundamental principles of multimedia. During the process of this assessment, you are required to document your creative process from pre-production to post-production explaining the technical, visual, audio and text choices made in the production of your digital animated project.

You are required to produce a 20-30 second animated title sequence for a feature film using Adobe After Effects. Your title sequence will include graphic, typographic and audio elements. You will use Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop to create the graphic components and Adobe Audition to prepare the audio. You will document all your progress work in the form. of a digital development book.

Your teacher will provide a list of films to choose from.

Knowledge and Skills

At the completion of this assessment, you should be able to:

-      Investigate themes and examples of multimedia and kinetic typography projects

-      Construct justified opinions of analytical tasks

-      Understand how consideration for degrees of abstraction and simplicity apply to the design process

-      Document and annotate creative methods for the development of kinetic typographic outcomes

-      Apply principles and elements of multimedia

-      Apply principles of typography

-      Explore software tools for the creation of animation

-      Apply reflective practice towards the use of stylistic features and visual language in the creation of a kinetic typography product.

-      Use appropriate design terminology to explain and justify your ideas


Examine 3 title sequences with a focus on different styles and techniques. Write a description for each including the following:

analysis of the concept

analysis of the visual style.

analysis of the sound

Use the research phase to consider and reflect on the type of sequence you want to develop.

Make sure to also include technical research in your development book (software tutorials etc.).

Concept Development

•  Brainstorm words, themes and ideas related to the film you choose.

•  Develop 2 concepts that explore the main themes of your chosen film.

Choose the best concept and develop a comprehensive storyboard with a focus on camera angles & movements.

•  Draw the graphic components for your title sequence.

•  Draw the background for your title sequence.

Design Refinement

•  Produce your graphic components and backgrounds in Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop.

•  Explore at least 3 different font options for your title sequence.

•  Explore the mise en scène; the overall look and feel of your sequence.

Consider the colour & lighting of your sequence (in reference to your chosen film).

• Consider design principles when creating various moving sequences.

•  Explore different sound effects for the animated content and explain your choices.

•  Document your digital creative process (screenshots to include in your development book)

Write a brief explanation about your concept. What is the concept and why is it good?

IMPORTANT: Annotate your entire design process in your development book.


Complete a reflection/self-evaluation about your entire process and include it at the end of your development book.


•  Reference all research and online content using Harvard Referencing Style.

Final Title Sequence

20-30 second Title Sequence for a feature film:

• Create your animation in Adobe After Effects.

•  Export Title Sequence as a Movie File (1920x1080p, h.264 mp4) using Adobe Media Encoder.



Assessment 2 – Title Sequence



Interpret & Research

Review the brief and highlight keywords.

Clarify the requirements of the brief

Research 3 examples of title sequences with a focus on different styles and techniques.

Research required technical skills and knowledge for your project.


Concept Development

Brainstorm words, themes and ideas related to chosen film.

Develop 2 concepts exploring themes of chosen film.

Develop a comprehensive storyboard with a focus on camera angles & movements.

Draw the graphic components and background.

Annotate your process.


Design Refinement

Produce your graphic components and background in Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop.

Explore at least 3 different font options for your title sequence.

Explore the mise-en-scene; the overall look and feel of your sequence.


Design Refinement

Consider the colour and lighting of your sequence.

Explore different sound effects for the animated content. Explain your choices.

Capture screenshots of your digital creative process to include in your development book.

Annotate your process.


Development Book

Collate all development work into one multi-page PDF document.


Final Title Sequence

Review movie sequencing, visual language, and timeline

Export the final file as a Movie File (1920x1080p, h.264 mp4) using Media Encoder



Complete reflection and include at the back of your development book.

Reference all research and online content using Harvard Referencing Style.


Submit onto Canvas

Submit Development Book and Movie File (1920x1080p, h.264 mp4)

Submission Requirements

Assessment 2 – Title Sequence

*This assessment is worth 30% of the overall mark for this course.

Due - Week 11 – Friday 4:00 pm

Please do not forget to include a cover page at the start of your development book with your name, student number, and assessment title.


Submission Format

Individual Task Deadline

2.1 Development Book

Multipage – PDF Document (Landscape Format)

Week 11 – Friday 4:00 pm

2.2 Final Title Sequence

Movie File (1920x1080p, h.264, mp4)

Week 11 – Friday 4:00 pm

2.3 After Effects File

AEP Project Folder incl. all linked assets and AEP file.

Week 11 – Friday 4:00 pm

Note: It might not be possible to submit your After Effects Folder including assets and AEP file to Canvas due to large file sizes. Your teacher will discuss alternative submission options if needed.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools cannot be used in the completion of this assessment task.

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