MSc Renewable Energy Systems Integration (RESI) - 2025
Marks: 25% of total mark of the module.
Due date and time: on Thursday 10th April 2025 at 2 pm
Each student is required to submit an individual and formal report. The problem has no unique approach/ solution and therefore the methods/ solutions are expected to be varying from one student to another.
Students may make best possible assumptions if any extra information is required, however, they should be justified in a Micro Grid and distributed generation integration context, giving relevant justifications and appropriate references.
Submission will be via Canvas, please familiarise yourself with Canvas before submissions are due. Files are to be smaller than 20MB to be able to submit to the Canvas.
1000 word-limit report must not be more than 10 pages, excluding the cover page and Appendices. Minimum font size of the body of the report should be 11. Font size of the captions of figures and tables must be 10. The file type of the report must be PDF. Please use IEEE referencing style. Your assignment submission report must follow the task numbering format of this assignment and marks will be given only if the report is prepared following the task numbers given in the assignment. Software based calculations can only be used to verify the accuracy of hand calculations. Body of the report should be presented with sample calculations and any repetitive calculations can be placed in Appendices.
Late submissions will be penalised by deducting 5% marks per day late. Assignments will not be accepted more than 20 working-days late after the submission deadline.
Generative AI
You must not use the output of Generative AI (i.e., the content it creates) in this assessment. It is a breach of good academic practice if you submit work generated by Generative AI tools as your own, or incorporate them into your own work in this assignment.
If concerns are raised about your work then you may need to participate in a viva (oral examination) of your work.
Assignment details
Figure 1 show a schematic diagram of three wind farms in three Micro Grids (Micro Grid –A, Micro grid –B, and Micro Grid –C that are planned to integrate with a utility power grid via power transformers (T1 , T2, T3 and T4). Wind farms in Micro Grid A and B are flexible to install up to twelve and eight fixed-speed wind-turbine induction generators respectively. Wind Farm in Micro Grid C has no restriction on installing any number of fixed-speed wind-turbine generators however; the generated power should be within the safe and secure operating limits of relevant network assets. All wind turbine generators are operated at 50 Hz and at 690 V. The local load of Micro Grid –A and Micro Grid –B are shown in Figure 1 as Local Load-A and Local Load – B.
Table 1 gives the parameters of wind turbine generators referred to the stator in Ω /phase in all three Micro Grids corresponding to the wind farm site.
Table 1
Wind Farm in Micro Grid
Stator resistance
Stator reactance
Rotor resistance
Rotor reactance
Magnetizing reactance
Table 2 gives the slip of induction generators in all three Micro grids corresponding to the wind farm site.
Table 2
Wind Farm number
The leakage reactance values of transformer T1 , T2, T3 and T4 are given as 0.088 pu, 0.079 pu, 0.068 pu, and 0.068 pu respectively. The utility power grid requires 24 MW of import of power with an allowed maximum variance of 土 6% of power-imports at full-load operation at Bus 7 with the participation of all three wind farms.
Table 3 gives the per-phase feeder technical data which can be used to determine the sizes of feeders that are appropriate for the Micro Grid project. Wind farm feeders are to be designed to carry at least 60% of excess loading from the full load operating condition of each generating site at any-time in the operating horizon of the Micro
Grid project. It is also given that each wind turbine generator de-rates at 1.1% per year from their installed capacities after eight years of operation.
Table 3
Feeder size identifier
R (Ω/km)
X (Ω /km)
Capacity (kVA)
Considering that you are the Design Engineer in this Micro Grid project, proposing an effective duration to operate the project (justified with a reference), and applying a convergence error tolerance of 10-5 in your iterative calculations:
Part (1)
(i) Calculate number of wind turbine generators proposed to install at each wind farm site in Micro Grid –A, Micro Grid – B, and Micro Grid -C.
(ii) Calculate power generated and consumed by wind turbine generators at Micro Grids at full load and no load operation.
(iii) Calculate and list the appropriate feeder sizes to suit the system conditions given in the Micro Grid project.
(iv) Calculate voltage at each Bus in Micro grid project at full load and no load operating conditions.
(v) Determine the installation locations (buses) of capacitor banks and calculate the required capacitance values at respective locations to reduce the no load current of all induction generators to zero in the Micro grid project.
(vi) Calculate the voltage at Buses in the Micro Grid project with the calculated capacitor bank in (v)
(vii) Calculate the full load active and reactive power losses of all branches in the Micro grid system with capacitor banks calculated in (v) and without. [60 Marks]
Part (2)
Calculate Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of the Micro Grid project (system connecting up to the utility grid) and justify the technical and economic feasibility of the design given in Figure 1. [20 Marks]
Part (3)
Present a formal report covering Part (1) to (2) sections, presenting the engineering judgements you made, a discussion, conclusion, and references (marks are given to five key references). The arguments, discussions, and conclusions must be made by referring to the given case of the assignment. No marks will be given if students just reproduce conclusions, discussions, or justifications that are commonly available in published literature. [20 Marks]
Students are allowed make reasonable and realistic assumptions; however, they should be technically feasible and economically justified. Students may use online (or published) technical data in addition to the data given in the assignment; however, the sources of information should be given as references with appropriate citations. The marker will only mark what is in the body of the report and not the contents in the appendices. Long tables of data such as Excel tables should be placed in Appendices. Sample calculations must be provided in the body of the report in all repetitive calculations.
Figure 1: Three wind farms in three Micro Grids connecting a utility power grid. l = length of the feeder. A double circuit line is connected between Bus 6 and Bus 7.