FV3002 Assignment Brief (2024 – 2025)
The work shall be typed or word-processed in your own words. The deadline for submission is 11:59 p.m. (HKT) on 28 Mar 2025 (Friday).
Learning Outcomes
This piece of assessment will test your ability to meet learning outcomes as described hereunder:
Understand fire safety strategies and tools that may be adopted in application to buildings and infrastructure and evaluate their usefulness for a range of applications
(Learning Outcome 1)
Critically evaluate common guidance documents and topical issues current in the industry relating to the use of active fire protection measures (Learning Outcome 4)
Assignment Details
This assignment contains 1 (one) questions. Answer all questions with words not exceeding 1,500. The assignment will carry 40% weighting of the total mark of this module.
Submission Details
(1) The deadline for submission is 11:59 p.m. (HKT) on 28 Mar 2025 (Friday). Late submission will be dealt with strictly in accordance with UCLan Regulations.
(2) No hard copy is required to be submitted to the SCOPE counter. This assignment should be submitted through Turnitin to CityU SCOPE CANVAS assignment submission folder.
(3) In-text citations and referenced publications shall be added to the answer to each question.
(4) Using AI-generated text to complete your assignment is prohibited. Citation of Harvard style shall be used for all quoted references. UCLan regards any use of unfair means in an attempt to enhance performance or to influence the standard of award obtained as a serious academic and/or disciplinary offence.
(5) Submission of written assignment shall be type-written in .pdf or .docx format. The file name of your submission shall follow the format as the example below:
FVxxx_CHAN TaiMan_G12345678
(6) Students should do whatever means to make sure the files are duly submitted via the CANVAS system and check whether the work is successfully uploaded (by downloading the file from CANVAS again). All claims on technical problem without strong evidence for unsuccessful uploading shall not be accepted.
(7) It should be the students’ responsibility to double-check the readability (pdf or docx format) of the submitted files.
(8) Administration team will not remove or replace student’s submitted assignment in CANVAS or help students to upload the soft copy of his/her assignments to CANVAS.
Question 1
(a) You are requested to design the smoke extraction system for a large compartment with 40m (Length) x 60m (Width) x 12m (Height). All assumptions (such as fire size, height of smoke layer interface, type of smoke extraction system and details of proposed smoke extraction system should be clearly made and well justified with the relevant references.
(b) Referring to the proposed smoke extraction system for the captioned compartment mentioned in item (a) above, you are required to provide discussions on how to ensure a good qualitative smoke control system.
Marking Criteria
Marks will be allocated according to the following criteria:
Marking Criteria
Marks allocation
Knowledge of relevant material and grasp of themes:
Students to use own words in demonstrating awareness and appreciation of key issues.
Analysis, synthesis and depth of argument:
Identification of key points and justified put forward clearly and succinctly.
Engineering principle/calculation:
Correct application of concept/formulae with complete accuracy and correct answer.
Logical structure with introduction, background and executive summary.