Introduction to Structured Finance
Spring 2025
Assignment #1
Before commencing work, I recommend that you view the Overview of Bond Structuring Tool video and the Overview of Assignment #1 video (in that order) embedded in the Assignment #1 unit of our class site.
Objective: Model the debt service, pricing, and yield (True Interest Cost) of the New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority Department of Human Services Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds (Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital Project) (the “2024 Bonds”).
Required Submission:
One EXCEL workbook containing the following formulated worksheets:
1. Aggregate debt service on the 2024 Bonds calculated on a per maturity basis. (See examples set forth in the TBTA_2024C_DS_Pricing_Example EXCEL Debt Service by Maturity worksheet).
2. Aggregate debt service on the 2024 Bonds calculated on a composite basis. (See example set forth in the TBTA_2024C_DS_Pricing_Example EXCEL Debt Service In Aggregate worksheet). Include annual debt service.
3. Detailed bond pricing for the 2024 Bonds maturing September 15, 2029 through September 15, 2033 on a per maturity basis by formula (See the example set forth in the TBTA_2024C_DS_Pricing_Example EXCEL Dollar Pricing worksheet).
4. Bond pricing summary table for the 2024 Bonds using EXCEL PRICE function (See example set forth in the TBTA_2024C_DS_Pricing Example EXCEL Bond Pricing worksheet.)
5. True Interest Cost for the 2024 Bonds (See the example set forth in the TBTA_2024C_DS_Pricing Example EXCEL Series 2024C Yield worksheet).
DBC Finance Schedules
The Official Statement for the 2024 Bonds
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority Series 2024C Official Statement
TBTA_2024C_DS_Pricing_Example EXCEL workbook
Using the Bond Sizing/Leveraging Workbook as a starting point, provide the following sample bond structures:
1. 5 year level debt service assuming $20,000,000 par amount
2. 10 year level debt service assuming $40,000,000 par amount
3. 15 year level debt service assuming $60,000,000 par amount
4. 20 year level debt service assuming $75,000,000 par amount
5. 20 year level debt service assuming level annual debt service $10,000,000