MSc International Business Management
Module Title:
Assignment title:
Assignment number:
1 of 1
Date given out:
16 September 2024
Submission date:
27 December 2024
Eligible for late submission (3 calendar days, with penalty)?
Method of submission:
Online only
Online and paper copy
Special instructions for submission (if any):
Completed assignment is to be submitted to the UoS Brightspace only
Date for results and feedback:
31 January 2025
Learning outcomes assessed:
On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to:
• Design an appropriate and feasible research plan
• Select and develop appropriate research instruments and deliver a purposeful inquiry underpinned by
primary and/or secondary data conducted ethically and transparently.
• Analyse, interpret and critically evaluate quantitative and/or qualitative data.
• Analyse issues raised by the data in light of
theoretical knowledge in such away that rigorous conclusions are formed.
• Write a succinct and convincing dissertation of 12,000 - 14,000 words
At postgraduate level you are expected to:
• Have a high standard of presentation, structure, layout and design.
• Demonstrate appropriate coverage, critical appreciation and evaluation of relevant literature.
• Demonstrate a critical understanding of key concepts and the application of theory to practical solutions.
• Show evidence of originality of thought and approach, and of creative problem-solving ability.
The grade awarded for this piece of work remains provisional until ratified by the Assessment Board.
Component number
Form of
Assessment size
Weighting (%)
Learning outcomes assessed
Core or
non- core
12,000 -
14,000 words
The Task:
Based on your research proposal report, you will begin the next steps for dissertation project. With the guidance from your supervisor, you will complete the remaining stages, Research Methodology, Research Findings, Analysis of Findings and Conclusion.
The completed dissertation must have the following structure. You should present your dissertation in a single document with an appropriate contents page, page numbers, headings and a correctly formatted reference list (UoS Harvard).
Cover Page
Includes – institution name, award name, year of submission, student name, dissertation title.
Student Statement
This dissertation is submitted towards the assessment for the award of MSc International Business Management.
I confirm that the work presented is all my own work. Any other sources of information used have been clearly acknowledged or referenced. Permission to reproduce information has been sought and approved where appropriate.
Signed: _____________________ Date: ________________
Title Page
Title of the dissertation, student name, and if appropriate the note regarding the reproduction of material previously presented in your Business Research Methods assignment (please see section 5.0)
“Please note that this dissertation builds on preparatory work presented as part of the Business Research Methods assignment. Consequently, in places, there may be similarities in the prose.”
Abstract (Should not exceed one page in length)
• very brief introduction
• summary of content
• outline of conclusions reached
These should be given very simply to individuals and organisations that have provided substantive help with the research. This is not a “dedication” section.
Table of Contents
• Main contents page (section/chapter headings/numbers, and sub-headings
• List of figures individually listed by title and/or number.
• List of tables individually listed by title and/or number.
• List of appendices individually listed by title of each appendix.
1. Introduction
(aims, context, rationale, research objectives, research problem)
2. Literature Review
A critical review of existing literature. This is likely to comprise background theory, plus summaries of research done by other organizations, government statistics and publications, etc.
3. Research Methodology*
(Primary and secondary research philosophy and design – how you went about your research)
4. Research Findings
5. Analysis of the findings.
6. Conclusion (and recommendations)
Your conclusion should explicitly address your research objectives. It is often a good idea to re-state the research objectives at this point and then explain exactly how and, to what degree, they have been addressed. You are also advised to include a series of recommendations. Your recommendations may include reflection on how future research might further develop your research and/or address the limitations of your research. For dissertations with an explicit business problem focus, recommendations may involve advice as to how a particular organization or industry might wish to act in light of your findings.
You must include all references in the main references section.
You should identify clearly those sources that you have specifically referred to and referenced (using the Harvard system) from those sources that you merely read in the course of your research.
Format - further guidance:
• The required ethics forms, survey questionnaires and interview transcripts can be included in the Appendices.
• You will include a correctly formatted reference list and in-text citations using UoS Harvard referencing format. Refer to
• Your work should be presented in a report format, using headings and including a content page and page numbers.
• Please choose a clear font (either Arial or Times New Roman) using size 12.
• Please ensure your work is 1.5 spacing.
• Your total word limit is approximately 12,000 - 14,000 words.
Employability Skills
By the end of this module, students will have gained competence in the following key areas: independent learning; research; critical thinking and analysis; problem solving; interpersonal skills; communication skills (written and oral) and reflective learning.