DDES9013 Assessment 2 brief
Title: Studio Project Weighting: 60%
Assessment type: Project Group work: No
Submission details:
• Part A: Project presentation to be delivered in your tutorial class (Week 10)
• Part B: Project requirements submitted to Moodle before 5pm on the day of your tutorial class (Week 11)
Due: Week 10 and 11
Assessment overview:
This assessment builds on knowledge gained in Assessment 1 and requires you to produce a range of design solutions for a prescribed challenge and cultural context. Your final project will demonstrate a holistic design approach that addresses the needs of all stakeholders and clearly reflects your own emerging values as a responsible design practitioner. Feedback will be provided on a regular basis in tutorial/studio through discussion with peers and tutors. Summative assessment and feedback will be provided digitally based on the rubric.
Detailed assessment description:
This individual assessment involves completing your design project brief from Assessment 1 for submission.
In this assessment task you are to create a design solution in response to the self-initiated design brief that was submitted for Assessment 1. You will begin the task by building a contextual background for the design project, which involves undertaking further research and analysis to better understand the design opportunity and the socio-cultural context, stakeholders, and end users. You will document your progress throughout the project including further design sketches, samples, experiments, sample prototypes, and final designed outcomes, to build a process journal with visual and textual research and reflective annotations.
There are two parts to complete: (1) a project presentation of a design solution (due Week 10); and (2) a completed design project work, including reflective statement, process journal work, and designed outcomes (due Week 11).
In the project presentation, you will outline the development of your design project work including research and analysis, the context / end user, and key design work. The second part requires you to submit your completed design project work, including a 300-word reflective statement, process journal work, and designed outcomes.
Part 1: Project Presentation
In Week 10 you will present a project presentation in the tutorial class. The project presentation must discuss your design opportunity and take us through the steps involved in the completion of the design project work – from research to initial sketches and design outcome(s). Explain where you use the findings from your research, and where possible tests with end users, to ensure your design is successful.
Remember that you should show your final design clearly in the presentation. Ensure you include visual examples in the presentation, alongside textual information. Make sure to link the images to your discussion so that they support your presentation.
Part 2: Design Outcome
Your design outcomes should reference and respond to your design project brief research. You should effectively communicate your design project through models, drawings, poster and/or visual presentation, and process journal work. The context in which it is placed, seen or experienced must be identified as well as the specific end user. Testing your ideas with your target audience or end user is highly desirable, and will demonstrate the feasibility of your design project in a real world context.
Submission requirements:
Part B (Week 11)
What to submit: A digitalised version of your design project work.
Your project work will include your process journal work, in a PDF document. You should include: images of your final design(s) along with images of your supporting creative work (sketches / drawings / models / objects as appropriate), your reflective comments, research (background on the problem, end user, context, precedents, etc), and a reference list. All sources must be cited using APA Referencing Style.
Due date:
• Week 11 upload your file(s) to the Moodle folder before 5pm on the day of your class session.