ENGR 210 - Homework 7
Homework requirements:
1) Label each question number, handwrite your formulas, parameters, calculations, and box your answers. Please follow the solution format in the lecture notes.
2) On the upper right corner of each of your answer page, label your name, NetID, and page numbers. Please check, and make sure that each photo page is focused, readable, correct orientations.
3) After you submitted your HWs to the drop box, please go to your drop box and make sure that your files can be opened in Bb. If your HW cannot open in Bb, the instructor and teaching assistant cannot give you the HW points.
Problem 1. Correct all mistakes of your HW6. Please fill you process design table with: Operation numbers, equipment, description steps, tools, your hand sketches which show: a) Workpiece (WP) position. b) WP holding method. c) wp motion direction (your arrow → must touch the WP). d) cutter shape and position. e) cutter holding method. f) cutter motion direction (your arrow → must touch the tool).
Problem 2. Submit your summary sheets for Midterm exam.
Problem 3. The drawings of a part are given below. All final dimensions are in inches. The part will be made from a solid 1050 steel of your chosen original dimensions. Based on your knowledge of material removal processes.
Design the manufacturing processes by filling the process route table with:
1) the correct Operation Number (Op#) sequence. One equipment has only ONE Op#.
2) the correct manufacturing equipment. One equipment has ONLY ONE Op#.
3) the correct material removal processes. For each operation step, draw hand sketches to show:
a) Work Piece (WP) position,
b) WP holding method,
c) WP motion direction (your arrow → must touch the WP),
d) Cutter position and shape,
e) Cutter holding method,
f) Cutter motion direction (your arrow → must touch the tool).
Op #
Draw hand sketches to show:
a) b) c) d) e) f)
Problem 4. The drawings of a part are shown on the right. All final dimensions are in mm. The part will be made from a solid steel of your chosen original dimensions. Based on your knowledge of material removal processes,
Design the manufacturing processes by filling the process route table with:
1) the correct Operation Number (Op#) sequence. One equipment has only ONE Op#.
2) the correct manufacturing equipment. One equipment has ONLY ONE Op#.
3) the correct material removal processes. For each operation step, draw hand sketches to show:
a) Work Piece (WP) position,
b) WP holding method,
c) WP motion direction (your arrow → must touch the WP),
d) Cutter position and shape,
e) Cutter holding method,
f) Cutter motion direction (your arrow → must touch the tool).
Op #
Draw hand sketches to show:
a) b) c) d) e) f)