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辅导 DDES9013 Assessment 1讲解 留学生SQL 程序

DDES9013 Assessment 1 brief

Title: Precedent Studies

Weighting: 40%

Assessment type: Studio Project

Group work: Yes

Submission details:

•    Part A: Group presentation due in class

•    Part B: Individual design brief and documentation submitted to Moodle at the beginning of class Due: Week 5

Assessment overview:

This assessment requires you to work in groups to research and critically analyse a range of precedents which address contemporary design problems and stakeholder groups. Correctly referenced visual and  written analysis is required. Feedback will be provided on a regular basis in tutorial/studio through discussion with peers and tutors. Summative assessment and feedback will be provided digitally based on the rubric.

Detailed assessment description:

This assessment has two parts: (A) Group Research and Presentation; and (B) Individual Design Brief and Process Journal.

The first part of the assessment invites you to work in groups to research and critically analyse two precedents which address a contemporary design challenge that your group will select from the prescribed list below (refer also to the more detailed list in Moodle):

1.   Circular Design

2.   Design for Social Impact

3.   Design for Accessibility

4.   Sustainable Fashion

5.   Design and Health

6.   Eco-Design

The second part of the assessment involves writing an individual design project brief for a project (that you will complete for Assessment 2).

Steps to complete the assessment:

Part A: Group Research Presentation

For the first part of the assessment, you will work within a small team of 3 to prepare a research presentation that examines a design challenge within two different socio-cultural contexts. The team will discuss and select the design challenge, gather and analyse research, make comparisons, and prepare a  group research presentation that will be communicated in class.

1.   Conduct group-initiated research into 2 case studies that have adopted responses to your selected  design challenge but in different socio-cultural contexts (e.g. a western and a non-western context). Your case studies may draw from socio-cultural contexts in local and global locations. Your presentation should form a comparative analysis of your two precedents covering (1) cultural, social, behavioural, ethical, environmental, and sustainability issues; and (2) stakeholder perspectives and the design considerations utilised. It will be useful to refer to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or other theoretical lenses to measure the effectiveness of your case   studies.

2.  The presentation must include visual and written components and include a comprehensive reference list in APA style format.

3.  The responsibility for each aspect of the group work should be delegated strategically to individual members of your team on the basis of their nominated area(s) of disciplinary expertise or interest.  You will need to record your contribution to the group work in your process journal while providing  evidence of reflective analysis of your own emerging values as a design practitioner.

4.  The presentation will conclude with a brief overview of your individual design project briefs that will be completed for Assessment 2.

Part B: Design Proposal and Process Journal

For the writing of the design project brief, and the corresponding process journal work, you will work individually.

1.   In this part of the assessment you will apply your group research to the design challenge, relevant

cultural considerations, stakeholders and end-users in a specific socio-cultural context. Your design project brief should clearly specify and explain (1) the problem and design opportunity; the proposed context, stakeholders, and end user; (2) the design outcomes that you intend to create for Assessment 2; and (3) a plan for how you will execute the work in the allocated timeframe.

2.  You will need to provide process journal work to demonstrate the direction and feasibility of your

project, which includes preliminary design work such as design ideas, sketches, and samples.

How to prepare the assessment:

As a group create a visually and experientially coherent Group Research Presentation that should reflect the analysis of your research, key findings, and a summary of the individual design project briefs. This should be timed to approx. 15 minutes and it will be presented in the tutorial group session in Week 5. A PDF version of the presentation (that includes the verbal script) must be submitted to Moodle before the end of your class session.

As an individual create a PDF that includes: (1) the work you conducted for the group research presentation; (2) your finalised design project brief (to complete for Assessment 2), and (3) the process journal work that evidences a reflective approach to the direction and feasibility of your design project brief.

Submission requirements:

1.   Group Research Presentation: Present your 15 minute Research Presentation in the tutorial session.

2.   Upload a PDF version of the presentation (which shows slides and text/script) to Moodle before the end of your class session. Please be aware of file size restrictions when uploading to Moodle.

3.   Individual Design project brief, process journal work, and team evaluation: Include your finalised

individual design project brief and corresponding journal process work; and include journal work to demonstrate your contribution to the group research presentation. Upload a PDF copy to Moodle before the end of your class session. Please be aware of file size restrictions when uploading to Moodle. All sources must be cited using APA Referencing Style.

4.   Compile your group and individual work: Create ONE PDF file containing your final Group Research Presentation and your Individual Design project brief, process journal work, and team evaluation and upload to Moodle by the due date.

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