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讲解 ARHT6937 Collecting and Exhibiting Asian Art讲解 Java语言

ARHT6937 Collecting and Exhibiting Asian Art

Exhibition Analysis Exercise Due: Fri Mar 28, 2025

1200 words equivalent (20%)

This assignment is designed for students to develop skills on crafting a case-study, analysing and critiquing an exhibition on Asian Art (across any time period). It will give students the opportunity to hone their analytical skills and develop their critical thinking skills on a set topic whilst applying their knowledge gained throughout the course.

For this assignment, students will choose from an ongoing Asian-centric exhibitions either at AGNSW or CCWM. They will write a brief, illustrated critique of its (1) curatorial design, and (2) selection of objects when answering the question: Whilst exhibitions have the power to intervene and destabilise canonical histories, so too can it reinforce and perpetuate fixed ideas and parochial values. How have contemporary exhibitions shape the narratives of Asian Art history and construct ideas of ‘Asian-ness’? 

This is a formal piece of writing, so please cite all sources, and provide illustrations (up to 6) that are captioned. Students will be provided with recommended readings in which critical perspectives are offered for the student to consider in response to the question. 

Download Brief: Exhibition Analysis Brief 6937.pdfDownload Exhibition Analysis Brief 6937.pdf


1) Rui Oliveria Lopes, “Meeting another China: exhibiting Chinese [folk] art and popular culture in the Orient Museum”, World Art 4, no. 2 (2014): 237-261. Download here Download here

2) Abe, Stanley et al. “Pulitzer Foundation Workshop”, Archives of Asian Art 62, (2012): 81-103. Download here Download here.

Presentation Due: Mon Apr 7, 2025  

8-10min 大概1500字以下

For this assignment, students will pitch an exhibition proposal for the Schaeffer Library’s new exhibition space (solo/pair). The presentation length should be about 8-10 minutes and this is followed by a brief discussion of 3 mins. Students may focus on any topic covered in this course. Once decided, the task is to identify at least 8-10 textual sources to be displayed and the overarching curatorial theme and statement. The proposal should comprise of (1) curatorial rationale (2) exhibition background (3) overview of works and subthemes (4) brief sketch visualizing the display stating clearly the number/type of labels required. The presentation pitch will take place on either 28 April or 5 May at allocated time slots at the exhibition site itself.

Download brief: Presentation Brief 6937.pdf

Final Exhibition ProjectDue: Sun Jun 1, 2025

2500 words

This final project is an extension of the exhibition proposal for Schaeffer Library. Students will put together exhibition collateral for the proposed exhibition: Wall text (500 wds), exhibition catalogue essay (1500 wds) and a selection of labels (totaling 500 words).

Students will be given the opportunity to view the exhibition space and to engage with the resources in the Schaeffer Library. This task builds on the exhibition proposal that is either individually or jointly presented – for this final research project, students are to complete it individually. You will have the opportunity to consult with your tutor immediately after the session break (by appointment).

The Final Research Project will account for 50% of your final mark. Please ensure that you include the word count at the end of the document. You can be over or under the word count by 10% but no more than that. Please ensure that you adhere to the Chicago style. guide when incorporating references in your essay. 


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