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辅导 COM2018 – Programming with Python 2024/25讲解 Python编程

COM2018 – Programming with Python


Title: Implementing a Board Game prototype in Python

Submission deadline: March 19, 2025

This assessment contributes 60% of the total module mark and assesses the following intended learning outcomes:

1.  Implement software to solve a given problem that utilises the control structures and data structures available in the Python language.

2.  Build applications that make use of Python libraries as required by the problem.

3.  Select appropriate design patterns to achieve specific objectives within a software project

4.  Use industry-standard approaches for testing and developing software

5.  Formulate a software design to a problem from a given field or industry beyond computer science or data science.

This is an individual assessment, and you are reminded of the University’s regulations on collaboration  and  plagiarism. You  must  avoid  plagiarism,  collusion,  and  any  academic misconduct behaviours. Further details about academic honesty and plagiarism can be found at https://ele.exeter.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=1957.

The University of Exeter is committed to the ethical and responsible use of Generative AI (GenAI) tools in teaching and learning, in line with our academic integrity policies where the direct copying of AI-generated content is included under plagiarism, misrepresentation and contract cheating under definitions and offences in TQA Manual Chapter 12.3. To support students in their use of GenAI tools as part of their assessments, we have developed a category tool that enables staff to identify where use of Gen AI is integrated, supported or prohibited in each assessment. This assessment falls under the category of AI-supported. All  use  of  GenAI  tools  should  be  acknowledged  in  a  statement  submitted  with  this assessment and referenced appropriately. You must keep a record of the tools, prompts and outputs  used. At a  potential  invited viva, you  should  be able to demonstrate  how you produced these and how you built on this content to ensure the work is original.

You can find further guidance on using GenAI critically, and how to use GenAI to enhance your learning, on Study Zone digital.



You are required to design and implement a prototype for a digital version of a board game using Python. The prototype should include all essential interactions, such as between users and cards (if applicable), but it does not need to be fully complete. For example, not all cards need to be included—2-3 cards will suffice. The focus should be on demonstrating core functionality, interactions, and object-oriented design.

You may choose a game such as Catan and Monopoly or propose an alternative. You must include a  link  in your  report to a YouTube tutorial  (under 7  minutes) that explains  the instructions of the chosen game. The chosen game should meet the following criteria to ensure its challenge and modularity align with the other proposed games:

Similar Complexity – The game should have clear rules, different actions, and require strategy, like Catan, or Monopoly.

Modular Design – The game should use different classes (e.g., Player, Board) to keep the code organised.

Turn-Based and Multiplayer – Players should take turns, and the game should allow them to interact

Existence of a clear game ending condition that announces the winner.

Stage 1 Essential Tasks:

Use Object Oriented Programming to structure the project using multiple classes (e.g., classes for players, board, resources, property, dice, as required by each game).

Implement a simple game loop.

Handle user input for gameplay (e.g., command-line interface for reading players decisions).

Ensure the  game  progresses  according  to  its  basic  rules  (e.g.,  implement  print statements that show the current state of the game).

Ensure the game can detect and declare a winner according to a game-ending condition.

Create a video tutorial that explains how to interact with the game, demonstrates a full game loop, and shows the termination process. Edit out unnecessary steps (or include different scenarios), and ensure the video is under 10 minutes.

Create a requirements.txt file that enables code transferability

Stage 2 Additional Tasks

Implement unit tests covering core methods

Implement appropriate code documentation

Implement error handling to prevent crashes (e.g., invalid user input, out-of-bounds moves).


You must submit the following into a single .zip file:

1. Complete project code as a .zip file. This shall include:

Class python files

A main.py file that I can run to start the game

A requirements.txt listing all required dependencies.

Code documentation (if applicable)

Unit Tests (if applicable)

Do not include the folder containing your environment variables (e.g., myenv).

2. A project report that contains the following:

Name of the selected game

The link of a YouTube Tutorial (less than 7 mins) of the selected game

Termination rule of the game

Class diagrams using Unified Modified Language

Description of design choices

Challenges faced and how they were addressed.

Explanation of which tasks of the project has been implemented

Instructions on how to produce the documentation (if applicable). The report should be concise and easy to follow.

3. A Video Tutorial (less than 10 mins) that shows the game functionalities in practise and how the game terminates.

4. GenAI statement: All use of GenAI tools should be acknowledged in a statement submitted with this assessment and referenced appropriately.

Note: You must keep a record of the tools, prompts and outputs used. At a potential invited viva, you should be able to demonstrate how you produced these and how you built on this content to ensure the work is original.

Marking Criteria

The project is divided into two stages (essential and additional tasks). Each stage has a different allocated percentage of the overall mark but also the implementation quality of each stage implementation is marked as shown in Table 1:



Marks (%)


Essential Tasks

The program compiles successfully, and all game features perform as intended. The game follows its rules and terminates correctly when the termination condition is met.


Good implementation design, well-structured code and good usage of the programming principles (e.g., flexible, adaptable code with no repetitive code).



Additional Tasks

Error handling implemented. Unit tests implementation and documentation. Extensive unit test implementation and clearly structured documentation.


Table 1: Marking criteria per implementation stage

Additional tasks are time-consuming and contribute little to the final grade. Consider whether to spend time on them or improve the quality of Stages 1 and 2.

Please note that the report and the video tutorial are not marked, but they are essential for deciding marks on the essential and additional tasks of the digital board game.

Reminder: The coursework requires a prototype—a digital game showcasing all key features, functionalities, or concepts without full development.  For  example, you can  implement  drawing a card and executing an action based on its type without coding every possible card  option.

A project missing the link to YouTube game tutorial, the video tutorial (showcasing and explaining how to use your game), and/or a requirements.txt file may result in a score below the passing mark.

A subset of students may be invited for a viva to demonstrate the game live and answer implementation-related questions.

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