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辅导 Principles of Supply Chain Management Assignment 2调试Haskell程序

Module Title

Principles of Supply Chain Management

Assignment Mode

Group Project

Word Count Limit

2000 words (+/- 10%)

Citation Format



100 marks

Assignment Brief

Choose an ice-cream shop as your assignment topic. It can be an existing small business, or a start-up. Refrain from using companies that you have no association with and are located on the Internet. You are to ensure that you know the owner(s) or someone in the organization who can answer any questions posed to them.

Your task in this assignment is to evaluate the supply chain of the chosen company, applying the knowledge that you have learnt in this subject, whether the company’s supply chain, as implemented, is achieving its objectives i.e., being responsive or efficient to its customers’ needs. The process of assessing the company’ssupply chain must meet the following requirements:

1. Introduction (300 words)

.    Brief background of the company. Explain how the company competes in its industry by looking at the competition, the players in the industry, and the regulations that govern them, customer expectations in the supply chain, and so on, which would justify the approach the company is taking.

.    The statements that you make must be supported by evidence from credible and independent references. In addition, base your assessment on evidence obtained from the owner(s) of the company themselves, or publicly available information.

2. The Companys Inputs (500 words)

.    Look at the processes that are involved in the purchase of goods and services for the company, either to meet planned or actual demand. Your emphasis is on how the company selects its suppliers, establishes policies to facilitate these processes, schedules the receipt of the deliveries, and consequently assess the suppliers’ performance.

.      Explain how the input processes are set up in the company, and how it supports the company’s stated objective to its customers, using concepts learned in this module, and correlated by observations and interviews from the company.

3. The Companys Operations (500 words)

.      You are then to explore and explain whether the processes that transform the purchased inputs from (2) to a finished product or service, to meet demand. The focus here is to discuss the scheduling of production, the measurement of its performance, and the management of the inventory. Provide evidence to support your views.

.      Explain how operations of the company addresses or not, the challenges of balancing supply and demand in the supply chain. Based on the concepts learned in the module, explain the ways that the company could address this primary issue, therefore, satisfying the needs of both the company’s customers and its suppliers.

4. The Companys Outputs (500 words)

.      This concerns the company’s processes that provide the finished goods and services to its customers. Identify and explain the workings of the company’s order management, warehouse management, and transportation management.

.      Make a brief assessment as to whether the company and its supply chain is achieving its objective of being responsive or efficient in meeting the needs of its customers. This can be done by evaluating the business performance of the company, to assess whether revenues are increasing, decreasing or staying stagnant.

5. Conclusion (200 words)

.      Summarize the key insights. Provide any recommendations and practical implications to the case company.

Instructions on Submission

1. Referencing

.      All statements of fact or other sources, quoted in the essay, including any diagrams, must have in-text references, with a full reference list provided at the end of the assignment, according to the APA system of referencing.

.      You are required to fully reference a MINIMUM of 10 references for submission (e.g., from books; journal articles from the full-text databases; current affairs magazine; newspaper, etc.). The use of WIKIPEDIA online encyclopedia is NOT allowed.

2. Formatting

.       Write your name, ID number, module title and word count clearly on the cover page. Your assignment should be A4 word-processed, with a spacing of 1.5 and a font size of 12 Arial.

.       Table of content with page numbering

.       Word Count (+/- 10%) exclude Cover page, Table of Content, Appropriate tables or illustrations or referencing.

3. Policies

.      The penalties for plagiarism and collusion are governed by the Academic Policy of KHEA. The detailed policy information can be found in the Student Handbook.

.      The assignment must be submitted online (LMS) on the specific due date. Assignments must be submitted via Turnitin. Any late submission will have marks deducted in accordance with the KHEA’s late submission policy.

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