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讲解 EN4062/ENT794 Advanced Robotics – Coursework 1讲解 Python编程

EN4062/ENT794 Advanced Robotics - Coursework 1

Submission: Please submit on Learning Central (Turnitin) electronically before the deadline.

Deadline: Thursday, 10/04/2025 at 5:00 PM (There will be NO Extension).

•    This element of coursework constitutes 10% of the complete module assessment.

•    Page limit: No more than 4-5 pages, a single column page format ( maximum 600-700 words limit), including references and appendix (if any)

Use of Generative AI (Gen AI)

o For this module, Gen AI usage is permitted at the AMBER level with strict limitations (refer to the  "AMBER  Generative  AI  Guidance  for  Students  –  Individual  Work"  on Learning Central).

o The focus of this coursework is on creativity, critical problem-solving, and originality. Your design should be novel, interesting, and different, and you must defend your ideas with strong reasoning.

Do NOT use Gen AI to generate ideas directly—your innovation and unique approach are key to higher marks.

Allowed Uses:

o Understanding coursework instructions.

o Improving the structure, style, and tone of your own writing.

o Summarizing published work (without violating copyright).

Strictly Prohibited:

o Using AI to generate ideas, design concepts, or report content.

o No-user-input generation of texts/materials

• 、Academic  Integrity: You must   attach  the   "Academic  Integrity Declaration" as  a coversheet for your submission. Misuse of Gen AI may lead to academic misconduct penalties.

Design a conceptual autonomous single-legged hopping and rolling robot with the ability to move in 3D space. The robot should be agile and capable of fast manoeuvres on the ground while balancing itself upright. Rolling means the robot is not only able to hop/jump [1] but also roll/rotate on the ground [2],  so  touching  area  on  the  ground  is  important.  Discuss  the  details  of the  required  hardware components and their locomotion process. In your report, you need to cover the following items:

i.      What hardware components  (e.g.  sensors, actuators, electric equipment etc) are required to build this robot? Please show a sketch/drawing/design of the robot with a description.

ii.      What is the role of each component? Explain how they support the robot’s locomotion with a diagram. Explain in detail the locomotion process (stages) and the required controllers for the robot to move from one place to another.

iii.      Assume that the robot needs to move from point A (on the floor) to the target point B (on a desk with a 50 cm height) in the same room.

The room is equipped with an accurate motion-tracking optical system [3], which covers the whole area of the room and can track and return the 3D position of small markers. The markers can be attached to the robot itself, point A, point B and wherever needed on the trajectory. The tracking system has the ability to communicate data with the robot in real-time. Explain the required steps to enable the robot to autonomously reach the target point moving on an arbitrary trajectory. The trajectory can be dependent on both the rolling and hopping motions.

iv.      Discuss  the  potential   applications  of  hopping,  rolling,   and  flying  robots   compared  to conventional robots. This analysis should consider their limitations in navigating challenging environments like compact jungles using LiDAR, GPS, or other technologies when the operator is not near the robot. Support your discussion with insights from the Week 7 session on Robot Navigation by Dr. Raphael Grech and Dr. Seyed Amir Tafrishi.

Note: Check the internet to find related robot mechanisms. The more creative your design is, the higher your mark ( up to +10 extra mark) might be. ● However, you should defend your idea with good reasoning, clear presentation and supportive statements (referencing).


[1] Raibert MH, Brown Jr HB, Chepponis M. Experiments in balance with a 3D one-legged hopping machine. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 1984 Jun;3(2):75-92.

[2] Armour, Rhodri H., and Julian FV Vincent. "Rolling in nature and robotics: A review." Journal of Bionic Engineering 3.4 (2006): 195-208.

[3] Example, https://www.optitrack.com/

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