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讲解 Principles of Supply Chain Management Assessment 3讲解 回归

Module Title

Principles of Supply Chain Management

Assignment Mode

Individual assignment

Word Count Limit

800 words (+/- 10%)

Citation Format



30 marks

Assignment Brief

Write a reflective report to critically analyze your experiences on the recent group project. You will evaluate the process, your individual contributions within the group, challenges faced, and how they were overcome. In addition, your reflection should discuss how you applied the theories/ principles learned in this module, and the skills developed during the project with proposed recommendations.

1.   Introduction (100)

Briefly describe the group project, including its aims, objectives, and key deliverables. Outline the purpose of your reflective report and what will be covered.

2.   Group Dynamics and Collaboration (350)

Reflect on how your group worked together as a team. Describe your role within the group and your specific responsibilities. Analyze the group's dynamics, including communication styles, decision-making processes, and conflict resolution strategies.

Examine the group’s strengths and weaknesses. Identify factors that contributed to the group's success or challenges. Reflect on how these challenges were resolved and what role you played in overcoming them.

3.   Personal Reflections and Insights (350)

Discuss how you applied the theories and principles learned in this module in your group project. Identify any lessons learned from the project experience (e.g., leadership, communication, collaboration, problem-solving skills). Reflect on how this experience has impacted your teamwork skills and propose recommendations for improving future group work or professional situations.

Instructions on Submission

1.   Referencing

.   All statements of fact or other sources, quoted in the essay, including any diagrams, must have in-text references, with a full reference list provided at the end of the assignment, according to the APA 7 system of referencing.

.   You are required to fully reference a MINIMUM of 5 references for individual reflections submission (e.g., from books; journal articles from the full-text databases; current affairs magazine; newspaper, etc.). The use of WIKIPEDIA online encyclopedia is NOT allowed.

2.   Formatting

.    Write your name, ID number, module title and word count clearly on the cover page. Your assignment should be A4 word-processed, with a spacing of 1.5 and a font size of 12 Arial.

.    Table of content with page numbering

.    Word Count (+/- 10%) exclude Cover page, Table of Content, Appropriate tables or illustrations or referencing.

3.  Policies

4.  The penalties for plagiarism and collusion are governed by the Academic Policy of KHEA. The detailed policy information can be found in the Student Handbook.

5.  The assignment must be submitted online (LMS) on the specific due date. Assignments must be submitted via Turnitin. Any late submission will have marks deducted in accordance with the KHEA’s late submission policy.



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