COMP318 MOCK EXAMINATIONS 2021/22 Advanced Web Technologies SECTION A Attempt FIVE Questions From This Section. Section A Is Worth 50 Marks. 1. Provide A Definition Of Knowledge Graph And& Describe& Some& Of The Properties& Characteris-& Ing& Them?& & (5 Marks)2. Explain What Is Me
编程语言 时间:
2024/5/24 11:00:59
COMP318 SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2021/22 Ontologies And Semantic Web SECTION Aanswer All FIVE Questions From This Section. Section A Is Worth 50 Marks. 1. & & (A) Ontology& Evaluation& Is& The& Process& Of& Assessing& The& Quality& Of& An& Ontology. & Describe The&
编程语言 时间:
2024/5/23 12:45:56
COMP318SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2018/19Advanced Web Technologiessection& Aattempt& FIVE& Questions& From& This& Section.& Section& A& Is& Worth& 50 Marks.1. & Define& The& Notion& Of& Ontology& (5 Marks)& And& Describe& How& Ontologies& Are& Used& T
编程语言 时间:
2024/5/23 9:46:28