COMP4002/GAM Games Multiplayer - Topologies Multiplayer Games •& & Player Archetypes•& & Single& Player• & & Pre-Defined& Challenges,& “Campaigns”, AI& Controlled& Opponents•& & Multiplayer• & & Interaction& With& Other& Players Forms& A& Key& Challenge& O
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/6/6 17:48:00   
COMP4002/GAM Games Multiplayer& - Communication Communication /& Netcode •& Real Time Simulation• & Updating The Game& State& In& Response& To& Input• Must Be Synchronised Between Players •& Networks Are Always Subject To& Delays& And& Latency& (“Lag”)•& “Round-Trip&
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/6/6 12:01:28   
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