ECON7740 Cost& Benefit Analysis && Project& Evaluation Semester 1, 2024 Individual Case Study - Sport Facilities ALL& SECTIONS& DUE, 3Pm& 3Rd& June. Submitted& Online. Instructions: This& Assignment& Will& Consist& Of& A& CBA& Task& Worth& 30%& (Spreadsheet& And
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/5/21 13:15:15   
COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS & Projectevaluationsocial Cbareferences: Chapter 8 & 9, Social CBA And Economic Evaluation.1. Identify Economic Efficiency And Its Challenges In Practicalapplications.2.Understand The Role Of Shadow Prices For Economic Efficiency In CBA.3. Identify And Utilise Relevant Shadow P...
分类:编程语言   时间: 2022/9/14 7:22:05   
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