ELEC9731, 2024, Term 1, Take Home Examquestion 1 (16 Marks, Dorfman, Bishop). Consider The Control System Of Fig. 12.1 Of Lecture Notes Withdesign A PID Controller To Achieve(A) An Acceleration Error Constant Ka = 2;(B) A Phase Margin Equal To& (C) A Bandwidth Greater Than 2.8 Rad/S.Select An Appr
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/5/18 9:57:05   
ELEC9731, 2024, Term 1, Take Home Examdue – Monday 29/04/2024 17:00 (Sydney Time).Question 1& & (16 Marks, Dorfman, Bishop).& & Consider The Control System Of Fig. 12.1 Of Lecture Notes Withdesign A PID Controller To Achieve(A) An Acceleration Error Constant Ka = 2;(B) A Phase Margin Equal
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/4/20 10:28:50   
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