FIT5047& Semester& 1,& 2024 Machine& Learning& Laboratory FIT5047 – Machine Learning Laboratory (20%) Question 1: & Classification, Decision Trees, Na¨Ive Bayes, K-NN, WEKA (36 Marks) Consider& The& Dataset& Postoperative-Patient-Data_Simplified.Arff& Available On Moodle. & Thi
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/5/21 16:18:36   
FIT5047 Semester 1, 2020 Assignment 1(100 Marks =20%) Due Date: May 8,10:00Pm Submission: You Have To Submit Two Things I) Your Report (In Pdf Format) Which Answers All Questions (Except Programming) In This Assignment In Both Moodle Link And Turnitin; Ii) Your Program File (One Single .Py File...
分类:编程语言   时间: 2021/5/7 8:20:00   
& FIT5047 Intelligent Systems& Practice Questions For Final Exam& & 1. [Agents] Consider The Vacuum Agent Presented In Class, But Assume That The Room& Has 8 Squares And A Square Can Get Dirty After It Has Been Cleaned.& (A) Use PEAS To Specify The Task Environment.& (B) Specify The At...
分类:编程语言   时间: 2020/7/23 7:24:00   
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