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C++辅导 Homework 2 Deliverables via Handin解析C/C++语言、C/C++程序调试


#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H
#include “Exceptions.h”
class Stack
// disable default constructor
Stack() = delete;
// 1 arg constructor constructor
Stack(int s) : size(s), values(new T[size]), index(-1) {}
// destructor
delete[] values;
void push(const T);
T pop();
T top() const;
void clear();
bool isEmpty() const;
bool isFull() const;
/ Getter for the index member.

\returns Value of index member
int getIndex() const { return index; }
/// The max size of the stack
int size;
/// An array of values in the stack.
T values;
/// The current index in the stack.
int index;
/ Checks if the stack is full.
bool Stack::isFull() const
// remove this line and fill in function
/** Pushes a value onto the stack if there is room for it.
void Stack::push(const T x)
// remove this line and fill in function
/ Checks if the stack is empty.
bool Stack::isEmpty() const
// remove this line and fill in function
/ Pop returns and removes the value at the top of the stack.
T Stack::pop()
// remove this line and fill in function
throw StackEmptyException();
/** Top returns the value at the top of the stack without removing it.
T Stack::top() const
// remove this line and fill in function
void Stack::clear()
// remove this line and fill in function
#endif //STACKH

Project 1
100 points
DUE DATE: March 2 nd by 9:00pm.
Homework 2 Deliverables via Handin:
● Stack.h
● Terminal.cpp
Remember you will be submitting only these 2 files via Handin.
Project submissions will always be through Handin.
This is not a team work, do not copy somebody else’s work.
Problem 1
Your job is to implement a stack. You will be given a header file, Stack.h with all
of the method declarations. Fill in the definitions for all of the methods described
● Stack(int size) - The constructor for the stack has a size argument for the
maximum number of elements in the stack.
● void push(T value) - The push method adds a new element to the top of the
● T pop() - The pop method removed the top element of the stack and returns
the element removed
● T top() - The top method returns the top element of the stack, but does not
remove it.
● bool isEmpty() - returns true if the stack is empty, false otherwise.
● bool isFull() - returns true if the number of elements in the stack is equal to
the maximum number of elements allowed.
● void clear() - empties the stack. After clearing, isEmpty should return true.
Problem 2
Your job is to use your stack implementation to emulate file navigation in the linux
terminal. A brief description of cd can be found here:
You will be provided Terminal.h which contains all method declarations. The
Terminal class has the following methods:
● Terminal(string homeDir) - The constructor for the Terminal class takes a
home directory as an argument. This will be the home directory that will be
used when navigating to ~. Just like in the terminal, “..” will move up a
directory and “../..” will move up two directories, etc.
● void cd(string path) - This will move the working directory to the path
passed in. Some examples of how this method works are as follows:
Sample Run:
Terminal t(“/user/cse331”);
t.cd(“Documents”); // working directory is now /user/cse331/Documents”
t.cd(“..”); //working directory is now /user/cse331
t.cd(“/etc”); // working directory is now /etc
t.cd(“.”); //working directory is still /etc
t.cd(“”); // working directory is set to home if empty string is passed in,
t.cd(“~”); //also changes working directory to home directory
- If the path string begins with “/”, the stack needs to be cleared and the
working directory is equal to the path passed in.
- If the path string does not start with “/”, this denotes a subdirectory of the
current directory and the path provided is appended to the working directory.
● string pwd() - this method simply returnsthe working directory as a string.
For example, if the pathDir Stack looks like {“user”, “cse331”,
“Documents” }, pwd() will return “/user/cse331/Documents”.
● void pushd(string path) - pushd will push a new directory on to the
navigation stack. For a description of this, consult
An example of how pushd works is below:
Terminal t(“/user/cse331”);
t.pwd(); // returns “/user/cse331”
t.pwd(); // returns “/var/www”
t.pwd(); // returns “/user/cse331”
● void popd() - popd does the opposite of pushd. It will pop off the last
directory on the navigation stack. An example of popd is above.
● vector string splitPath(string path) - this is a private helper
method that takes a path string like “/user/cse331/Documents” and returns a
vector of the directories in order, so “/user/cse331/Documents” => {“user”,
“cse331”, “Documents”}.
- The activeStack private member variable should be used to reference the
navigation stack at the top of the storedStacks
- When pushd is called, you are pushing a new stack on to storedStacks, not
Using the make file and Testing your work:
You are provided with a make file .
When you are finished with your program, upload your work to Arctic. Use the
make file to run your main.cpp on Arctic, fix any issues that needs attention.
Once you are ready simply run make test command to test your code.
Please make sure to have your tests sub folder in your project folder in order to run
the make test command successfully.


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