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Python辅导:CSC401 Recursive讲解Python程序



The purpose of this assignment is to assess your understanding of

  • Recursive functions
  • Recursive thinking

Next week, we will continue with topics in Chapter 10.


  • Include your full name as a comment on the first line of your Python program.
  • Submit (upload) to the dropbox one file labeled as YourName_HW8.py


All of the following problems use recursion. So, you are cannot use any types of loops, string processing functions other than slicing, global variables, remove, replace, etc.

Problem 1

Write a recursive function stars(n) that takes an input a nonnegative integer and generates the pattern of stars shown below:

gt;gt;gt; stars(4) **** *** ** * * ** *** **** gt;gt;gt; 

Your function should produce a pattern for any nonnegative integer.

Problem 2

Write a recursive function alt(s,t) that takes as input two strings and mixes string s and t with alternating characters from each string.. Check that s and t have the same length; if not, return immediately.

gt;gt;gt; alt(apos;abcdeapos;, apos;vwxyzapos;) avbwcxdyez gt;gt;gt; gt;gt;gt; alt(apos;helloapos;, apos;worldapos;) hweolrllod gt;gt;gt; 

Problem 3

Write a recursive function check(s) that take a string representing a password as input and returns all the characters that are digits ( 0 -9)

gt;gt;gt; check(apos;abcapos;) gt;gt;gt; check(apos;1abc2efgapos;) 2 1 gt;gt;gt; check(apos;a0b8nd79apos;) 9 7 8 0 

Problem 4

Write a recursive function prompt() that asks the user to enter a password. If the user simply hits return without entering anything, the function should prompt again, until the user enters a string. The string is then returned (not printed). Do not use any type of loop.

gt;gt;gt; prompt() Enter password: Enter password: Enter password: Enter password: Enter password:abc1ghki9$%funny apos;abc1ghki9$%funnyapos; 
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