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Introduction to Computer Programming (ICP, CCIT4020)
HKU SPACE Community College, 2020-2021
Lab Ex. 2
* Use concise and direct techniques / program codes we learn in our course. Useless or over-complicated
techniques / program codes may be ignored or have penalty. Student should reference to our course materials.
* Proper brief comments are required, at least at the top of each source code file.
* Proper indentations required in writing program codes.
o Each source code *.py file must start with comments, including those to indicate the information of
individual student (student name, student id, year of study).
o Each program should end with displaying the information of individual student (student name, student id,
year of study). See the sample display output.
Reference Practicing Labs: Labs 1~8
Lab Ex 2:
General requirements:
o Students should follow what we have learnt in the course materials, including the lab materials.
o Unless specified, no data validation required in the program (program runs in normal situations).
Given Materials:
o This Lab Ex. doc.
o Submission Form (To be completed by students), and A SAMPLE of a completed one.
o A given main Python file mainLex2B.py, for testing.
◼ Modify the given main Python testing file, and update the student information part
1. Write a Python program (named Lex2A.py) with 3 functions, which fulfills the following:
o Function getFacNum()
◼ Accept one parameter: (n)
◼ The function body calculates the factorial of input n, and returns the value back to the caller.
o Function getTriNum()
◼ Accept one parameter: (n)
◼ The function body calculates the triangular number of input n, and returns the value back to
the caller.
o Function main(), accepts no input parameter and returns no value
◼ Ask user input a positive integer n
◼ Call the two functions above to obtain its factorial and triangular number, and
◼ Display the result as the sample display on console.
o Call the main() function for starting execution.
2 / 2
Given formula:
o Factorial of a positive integer number n: 1*2*3*..*(n-1)*n
o Triangular number of a positive integer number n: 1+2+..+(n-1)+n
Sample program output
2. Write a Python module (named Lex2B.py), only containing the following 2 functions:
o Function getFacNumList()
◼ Accept one parameter (n), a positive integer number expected
◼ The function body calculates the factorials of all numbers from 1 to the input n, store all of
them to a Python list, and return the list back to the caller.
o Function dispFacNumList()
◼ Accept one parameter (fList), a list of factorial numbers expected
◼ The function body displays the factorial numbers contained in the input parameter list,
similar to the sample display
o Students should at least test this module with our given testing main file (mainLex2B.py).
The sample program output is shown as below, when tested with the given main file
3. Evaluation and Submission
o Run, Debug, Test and Evaluate your program (including the given testing main)
o Report your evaluation by completing the submission form.
o Submit ALL related works and files to SOUL.
o ALL Source code files (*.py), including the given file(s) required.
o The completed submission form.
*IMPORTANT* Make sure the submitted work is the most updated.
~ END ~
User Input

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