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讲解 ACCG8126 Corporate Accounting 2024 S1 Company Analysis Assignment讲解 Statistics统计

ACCG8126 Corporate Accounting

2024 S1 Company Analysis Assignment

Due date: 23:55 26 May 2024


You are required to select a company that is listed on the London Stock Exchange and conducting a comprehensive analysis of your chosen company, focusing on both financial and non-financial performance aspects. For your selection, refer to the list of FTSE 350 companies, all of which have their primary listing on the London Stock Exchange. This list is available at London Stock Exchange - FTSE 350 Constituents.

As you prepare your assignment, ensure to incorporate the following key points:

1.   Background and financial analysis (a total of 8 marks)

(1)  Comprehensive Company Background

Start with an in-depth background analysis of the company. This should include an exploration of its history, evolution, and current market position.

(2) Detailed Financial Analysis

Your financial analysis should go beyond merely presenting figures. Aim to narrate the story of the company's financial health and trajectory. Use graphs to visually depict data, ensuring that you incorporate key financial information and ratios. This analysis should cover multiple years, providing a clear view of the company's trends, growth patterns, challenges, and overall financial performance and stability.

(3)  Competitor Analysis and Market Positioning

Provide a precise identification of the company’s key competitors. More than just listing them, engage in a thorough discussion about  how the company differentiates  itself from  these competitors. Examine aspects like market share, innovation, and customer perception. Analyze what aspects set the company apart, areas where it may lag, and how it compares overall in the industry.  Your analysis should offer a lucid depiction of the company's position in its competitive landscape and insights into its future prospects.

2.   Carbon strategy and performance analysis (a total of 16 marks)

(1)  Greenhouse gas (GHG) Accounting (8 marks)

Discuss the methods used by the company to calculate their Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 GHG emissions. Investigate the scope, the specific standards, methodologies, or boundaries.

Determine the primary sources contributing to the company's GHG emissions. Identify the trends in these emissions, focusing on areas with the highest emissions, and explore the reasons behind these figures.

(2) Risk and opportunity assessment (4 marks)

Conduct thorough research using multiple sources to identify the company's climate-related risks and opportunities currently faced by the company. Provide a detailed discussion of these findings.

(3) Emission reduction initiatives and the financial implications (4 marks)

Research and review various sources to understand the strategies or initiatives the company has adopted to reduce GHG emissions. These might include transitioning to different energy sources, process improvements, waste reduction, or investing in carbon offset projects. Evaluate the potential impact of these strategies on reducing the company's carbon footprint or financial performance.

3.   Visualization and format (a total of 6 marks)

Present your findings in a well-structured report in the form. of presentation slides (maximum 25 slides excluding name page, table of content and references page). Include graphs, tables, and other visuals to support your analysis. Ensure that your report is clear, concise, and backed by data.

4.   Group formation

Please note that you are required to form. a group of 3-4 members to complete the assignment. I will give you some time in the class to form the group and submit the group member details to me.

5.   Submission and and mark determination

.    One group member will need to submit the assignment in a PowerPoint format by 23:55 26 May 2024.

.    Please ensure to adhere to all academic integrity guidelines.

.    Please note that all group members will get the same marks for the assignment unless otherwise  advised.  If your  group  does  not  agree  to  this  equal  mark  rule,  it  is  your responsibility to keep all the records of the evidence and inform. the unit coordinator of the agreed contribution factor. The unit coordinator will then modify the final mark with this contribution factor.

.    This group assignment will be marked out of 30 marks but will then be normalized to 15%.

Some notes:

.      Remember,  this  report  is  not just  about presenting  facts;  it  is  about  analyzing  and interpreting them to give us a deeper understanding of the company's overall standing.

.      You are expected to use the company’s information from at least three years of annual reports.

.       It is strongly recommended to a variety of information sources to enrich your analysis. This could include, but  is not limited to,  annual reports,  company  announcements, newspapers, and corporate social responsibility or sustainability reports.

.       Importantly,  you  can  access  some  companies’  detailed  carbon  information  by registering on the CDP website (https://www.cdp.net/en/).

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