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辅导 BU1007 Principles of Data Analysis for Business讲解 Python程序

Subject Outline

Subject Title

Principles of Data Analysis for Business

Subject Code


Credit Points


Study Period


Attendance Mode




 1    Subject details

1.1   Student participation requirements

The JCULearning, Teaching and Assessment Procedures(2.1.2d) indicates a typical student workload for a three (3) credit point subject requires a 130 hour work load of study related activities, including attendance, assessment and self-directed study over the duration of the subject with equivalency across all attendance modes.

Note that attendance at specified classes will be a mandatory requirement for satisfactory completion of some subjects (Learning, Teaching and Assessment Procedures, 3.1.8e) and that additional hours may be required per week for those students in need of English language, numeracy or other learning support.

Key subject activities



On-campus > Lectures - may include recorded presentations, online activities & self-learning

activities inclusive of lectures, via LearnJCU (20 hours)

Refer to the appropriate Timetable:

•   JCU Australia

•   JCU Brisbane

   JCU Singapore

or your eStudent personal timetable



On-campus > Tutorials - may include recorded presentations, online activities & self-learning  activities inclusive of synthesising sessions, via LearnJCU (20 hours)

Refer to the appropriate Timetable:

•   JCU Australia

•   JCU Brisbane

   JCU Singapore

or your eStudent personal timetable

For information regarding class registration, visit theClass Registration Schedule.

Learning and teaching activities may be recorded for this subject.  Personal Information in the form. of    images and audio may be collected by JCU during the recording.  This Personal Information may appear as part of the recording which is accessible to students and staff in this subject on LearnJCU.

1.3   Subject description

In a world where more data and more complex data is readily available, understanding and applying the principles of data analysis drives timely decision making which is an essential skill to any student. This subject provides students with an introduction to data analysis, contextualised using data sources you commonly encounter in business environments. Students cover the foundational principles of data analysis, which are the selection, analysis and interpretation of data. The subject demonstrates that the research question you wish to answer, drives the data selection and the analysis method. The interpretation and clear communication of the subsequent findings ensure correct decision making, which in turn drives business success.

1.4   Subject learning outcomes and course learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, you will be able to:

•   describe the practical relevance of data analysis for application in business contexts

•    identify and outline a range of data sources, types and analysis methods relevant to business management

•   apply appropriate methods, interpret results and recommend actions to make insightful business decisions and solve business related problems

These outcomes will contribute to your overall achievement ofcourse learning outcomes.

CLO3: Demonstrate initiative, independence, judgement, and reflective practice with a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development

CLO4: Critically evaluate, interpret and communicate information, data and resources in academic and digital contexts

CLO8: Select, analyse and interpret quantitative and qualitative data, using appropriate methodologies

and applications and convey findings and recommendations through effective written and oral communication

CLO9: Apply technical and digital skills, including literacy and numeracy necessary for professional practice in business

1.5   Student feedback on subject and teaching

Students are at the heart of JCU and as part of our commitment to improving the quality of our subjects and teaching, we regularly seek feedback on the JCU student experience.

YourJCU Surveys are available to all students throughLearnJCU. You will receive an email invitation when the survey opens.

In response to previous student feedback and other data, the following enhancements to this subject have been made:

•    Free open access to our class e-textbook. Contains a wide range of excercises and solutions for students to practice in their own time along with other interactive activities that can be accessed;

•    Use of engaging tools, such as Gamification through implementation of ‘Quizizz’ within our

synthesis sessions which promote collaboration and interaction amongst students but also assist with preparing for our assessments;

•   Assessments to include both written work (i.e. statistical report), as well as online exams;

•   Synthesis sessions were delivered online, these are now be held face to face, with options to participate online as well; and

•   Student feedback by externally enrolled students have asked for weekly online sessions.

1.6   Subject resources and special requirements

All subject readings and resources, including journal articles, book chapters, websites, videos, print and eTextbooks, are available to view online from your Readings list via your LearnJCU subject site.

All subject readings and resources, including journal articles, book chapters, websites, videos, print and eTextbooks, are available to view online from your Readings list via your LearnJCU subject site. Textbooks are listed in your Readings list, including links to library holdings. The JCU Library has limited print copies of prescribed textbooks for two-day loan, and options for viewing available eTextbooks online.

Additionally, you can find the most appropriate library subject resources, including dedicated discipline- specific Library Guides, relevant databases and access to library services and staff through the Your Library tool, in your LearnJCU subject site.

Our prescribed textbook for BU1007_1807 is “Introductory Statistics”, an OpenStax textbook which is free to all users, there is no cost to students. Students can access the e-bookhere. They may also save it as a

PDF file, should they choose to. We will also use other free Open Educational Resources such as chapter/s from thise-bookand those the university has licenses to, such as LinkedIn Learning.

There are a variety of in-built excercises throughout the text book available for students to practice and assist with consolidating their knowledge. These include: end of section practice and homework sets, examples of each topic are explained step-by-step throughout the text and followed by a Try It problem (Bookshare, 2021).

There are also collaborative exercises and statistics labs designed to give students the opportunity to work together and explore key concepts (Bookshare, 2021).

Students may also practice further free excercises viaGrasple.

Readings and Copyright

Use the Readings platform. for all your readings and other resources, including prescribed textbooks, eTextbooks, journal  articles,  digitised  chapters,  websites,  links  to  Library  Guides,  LinkedIn  Learning, relevant referencing style. guides and video content (e.g. YouTube, LinkedIn Learning, Kanopy, Anatomy TV, Vetstream etc.). Readings is linked to your LearnJCU site through an LTI in the tools menu. Assistance with using the Readings platform. is available from theReadings at JCU Guide.

Your Library

The Your Library LTI tool uses metadata to link the most appropriate library subject resources to your LearnJCU  site,  including  discipline-specific  Library  Guides,  relevant  databases,  and  access  to  library services and staff.

Direct any queries regarding this section toinfohelp@jcu-au.libanswers.com.

1.7   Generative AI Usage

This Subject permits the use of Generative AI tools for the completion of learning activities and/or assessments.

2    Assessment details

2.1    Key dates

Key dates


Census date and Last date to withdraw without financial penalty

See2024 JCUS Study Period and Census Dates

Last date to withdraw without academic penalty

See2024 JCUS Study Period and Census Dates

Assessment item 1: Other -  (40%) Statistical Report

 Due on 13/10/2024 11:59pm (Sunday, Singapore time)

Assessment item 2: Written - Test/Quiz 1 (30%) Online (Multiple Choice)

Due on 08/11/2024 (Friday)

Assessment item 3: Multi method - Multi method (30%) Examination (Multiple Choice with Short Answers)


Due on 07/12/2024 (Saturday)

2.2    Requirements for successful completion of this subject

In order to pass this subject, you must:

•   Achieve an overall percentage of 50% or more

•    Mandatory attendance requirements apply in this subject. A student who fails to attend at least 8 out of 10 workshops, must meet with the Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching and provide evidence as to why they should be permitted to submit the final assessment task.

•    Demonstrate a reasonable attempt on all assessment items. Students who have completed less than 100% of the assessment will be subject to review by the College Assessment Committee which could result in failing the Subject (F – Fail), and

•   Complete at least 80% of assessment requirements, as listed above, and

•    Failure to comply with the above will result in an F (Fail) Result.

Final results for this subject will be graded as described in theStudent Results Policy.

Supplementary examinations/supplementary assessments are available for this subject, in accordance

with theLearning, Teaching and Assessment Procedure(3.2.10.e or 3.2.10.f) and the Student Results


2.2.1 How do I track my progress in this subject?

Students are strongly encouraged to participate in tutorials to help consolidate their knowledge on the subject matter discussed, as they receive feedback on tutorial questions. In addition, online quizzes

provide students with instant feedback. Multiple opportunities are provided through this platform. for  students to apply their knowledge through trial and error. A comprehensive feedback will be provided through an online rubric on the case study.

2.3   AccessAbility Services and Support

Reasonable adjustments may be made to assist you to manage additional circumstances impacting on   your studies provided these do not change the academic integrity of a course. Reasonable adjustments do not alter the need to be able to demonstrate the inherent requirements of the course.

If you believe you will experience challenges completing your subject or course because of a disability, health condition or other reason, you should fill up theAccessibility Intake form(click Forms for

Prospective Students to locate this) and submit to the relevantStudent Ambassadorat JCUS who will be in touch with you.

Your course inherent requirements can be foundhere.

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