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讲解 CEGE0030 – Roads and Underground Infrastructure

CEGE0030 – Roads and Underground Infrastructure


- This coursework will be done in groups of 3 persons.

- As part of the coursework, you need to define a group leader to communicate with the coursework coordinator

- As a group you must organise meetings to discuss the coursework progression and create minutes that will be used to demonstrate how you divided the work and how you have informed your peers. A simple and effective model of the minutes is available for download on moodle and these must be attached to the end of your submitted coursework.

- These documents are the only way to calculate a scale factor to derive the individual mark, from the final coursework mark. Small differences in workload are expected but you should balance the proportion of work amongst group members.

Introduction and scope of the project

Your team is required to design the northern branch of the Crossrail 2 (CR2) line, going from Alexandra Palace to Seven Sisters (Figure 1); however, rather than having a stop at Turnpike Lane station, your stop must be at Wood Green station. New Southgate will be a terminal station and the exact location of the portal has not been defined yet. Your design should consider that the springline of your tunnel is located at a depth of 20m below Alexandre Palace station, at an alignment similar to the railway alignment aboveground; this is your starting point.

The running tunnels, at Seven Sisters, must be pointing south, towards Dalston Kingsland, aligned with the A10  near Seven Sisters station. The client also wants Seven Sisters station on the CR2 line, to have access to both  South Tottenham station on theovergroundlineandSevenSistersStationontheVictorialineand Rail Network. Therefore, you must decide where the platform. tunnels will be located, to give the best possible access  to the lines mentioned above.

During the design, the following aspects (not limited to) must be considered:

-A geotechnical soil profile along the route must be created, together with the likely problems that may be encountered during the excavation of the tunnels.

- Horizontal and Vertical alignments of the tunnel, as well as the geology excavated must be supplied.

- The line will be composed by twin tunnels with an internal diameter of 7 m.

- A definition of the type of TBM machine that shall be used, as well as an estimation of the pressures required by the ground, in order to allow excavation to proceed safely must be calculated and shown in the report.

-Shafts for ventilation and emergency access to the tunnels must be designed along the line. Your team must decide what is the best location for the shafts, as well ashow it will influence the alignment. A small paragraph with an explanation must be provided.

Figure 1 – Part of the Crossrail2 project to be designed inside the red circle.

-Platform. tunnels must be located as near as possible to the existing stations. At this stage stations will not be redesigned but connection to the existing stations and location of the escalator tunnels must be specified on the drawings of your proposed station and connections.

-A calculation of the stresses likely to be encountered on the tunnel lining and caused by the soil load, together with a surcharge of 65kPa, must be calculated.

-A settlement through must be created considering a face loss of 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0%, over the whole area of the tunnel.

-An analysis of the structures that are likely to suffer from differential settlements, between Wood Green and Seven Sisters stations must be performed. This must include listed buildings.


You are required to write a report, with no more than 2000 words in the main text (excluding captions, references, summary and index), explaining briefly your considerations and assumptions. Most of the information should be conveyed with drawings and sketches and there is no limit for these. Please make sure that your drawings or sketches have scales and areworded to convey the right information. Sketches without a number or a name will be ignored and not considered on the marks.

At the end of your coursework, a set of meeting dates and minutes, describing what was agreed and spoken during the meetings may be submitted as an appendix – there is no limit of words. This part will only be used in case there are disputes related how much each team member has contributed to the final report.

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