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讲解 COMU1500 Introduction to Digital Cultures 2025讲解 Python程序

Introduction to Digital Cultures (COMU1500)

Sem 1 2025

Assessment details

Weekly Tutorial Participation

Mode Activity/ Performance

Category Participation/ Student contribution, Tutorial/ Problem Set

Weight 20%

Due date Week 2 - Week 13

In-class activity

Learning outcomes L01, L02, L03, L04

Task description

Each week you will complete a different in-class activity during your tutorial. You must attend your tutorial to complete that week’s activity. Please advise your tutor if you are unable to attend. You must complete at least 5 tutorials to pass this assignment.

AI/MT Policy:

For this assessment, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies may be used during workshops as a search tool. Some workshops will involve the critical use of AI technologies.

Whilst students may use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or Machine Translation (MT) technologies, successful completion of assessment in this course will require students to critically engage in specific contexts and tasks for which artificial intelligence will provide only limited support and guidance. A failure to reference generative AI or MT use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Digital Poster Presentation & Written Reflection

Mode Oral, Written

Category Presentation, Poster, Reflection

Weight 20% 5-minute presentation + 500 word reflection essay

Due date Week 2 - Week 13

Presentation: In class in your allocated tutorial week.

Written reflection: Due within one week following your presentation, i.e. 4pm the day before your next tutorial.

Learning outcomes L01, L02, L03

Task description

You will give a digital poster presentation during one of your tutorials. The week in which you will present will be assigned in your first tutorial. Your presentation should be around 5 minutes long. Presentations run from Week 2 to Week 13. A written reflection about your presentation must be submitted via Turnitin on Blackboard within one week, before your next tutorial. You will find your submission link is in your Assessment 2 folder. Your reflection should provide a summary of your presentation, and a reflection on what you learned from making your poster and presenting it to the class.

You will be assessed on the quality and creativity of your digital poster and reflection.

Digital Poster Presentations:

Poster presentations are a common form. of presentation in which a speaker refers to a poster of their own design to explain or summarise a topic or issue in front of a small live audience. For this assignment, you will create a poster—one slide only—that illustrates or summarises one of the week’s readings or topics. You will give a short oral presentation in class that discusses and explains your poster. Your poster can include examples not discussed in class so long as they are relevant to the topic. Your presentation should be lively and interactive. The class will be encouraged to ask interested questions and engage with your presentation. You can use notes, but reading a script. is discouraged.

You must email your slide to your tutor the day before your tutorial, to prevent technical issues.

Written Reflections:

Your reflection should provide a summary of your presentation, and a reflection on what you learned from making your poster and presenting it to the class. Reflections should be ~500 words, and uploaded via Turnitin. Reflections are due within one week of your presentation, before the following tutorial. They should be well written and fully referenced.

AI/MT Policy:

For this assignment, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies may be used in the design of your digital poster, and the images used. AI may not be used in your written reflection. Your written reflection evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of AI. Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to write their reflections is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Whilst students may use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or Machine Translation (MT) technologies, successful completion of assessment in this course will require students to critically engage in specific contexts and tasks for which artificial intelligence will provide only limited support and guidance. A failure to reference generative AI or MT use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Recording of Oral and Practical Assessment:

All presentations will be recorded for marking purposes via recording facilities available where the assessment takes place (eg. ECHO360, Zoom, camera device)

Recordings will be retained by the School of Communication and Arts for at least 12 months from the release of the final grade for the course.

Recordings will be stored in a secure manner and will only be accessed by authorised school staff for the purposes of:

Moderation of marking;

Provision of feedback to the student(s) recorded; and/or

Re-marking following a successful re-mark application

Keyword Case Study

Mode Written

Category Essay/ Critique

Weight 25% 1000 words

Due date 17/04/2025 4:00 pm

Learning outcomes L01, L02, L03, L04

Task description

For this assignment, you will choose a case study in digital cultures from your own online or real-life experience over the course of the semester. Your case study can be a video, movie, a game, a tv show, an art exhibition, a book, a podcast, a meme, even a shopping mall or restaurant. Using at least one of the keywords from the first half of the course, provide an analysis of your example that explains its relevance to digital cultures. You must refer to at least two course readings, required or recommended.

Your assignment must include:

1. A title page listing your name, assignment title, course code, total word count, and a declaration of whether AI has been used to complete this assignment.

2. Your keyword case study

3. A bibliography, including a list of AI prompts, if necessary

AI/MT Policy:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be used in this assessment task provided it is transparent and limited to editorial use. AI can be used to assist research, or to edit your writing. If you use AI for this assignment, you must include the prompts at the end of your assignment, under the bibliography. A failure to reference generative AI or MT use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Whilst students may use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or Machine Translation (MT) technologies, successful completion of assessment in this course will require students to critically engage in specific contexts and tasks for which artificial intelligence will provide only limited support and guidance. A failure to reference generative AI or MT use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Research a Key Topic or Debate

Mode Written

Category Essay/ Critique

Weight 35% 1500 words

Due date 30/05/2025 4:00 pm

Learning outcomes L01, L02, L03, L04

Task description

For this assessment, you will research and write an essay on a current debate or contentious topic in digital cultures, from a list provided to you. You can also choose to research a topic of your own choice.

You will be assessed on the depth of your research and use of convincing evidence to make your case. You are encouraged to include examples or case studies from your own experience to demonstrate your argument.

Your essay should critically discuss and engage with the course readings listed for at least two of the weeks of this course. You are encouraged to refer to the list of recommended readings as well as required readings.

The text of your research essay should be fully and consistently referenced. The essay must have a bibliography of all sources you quote or consulted.

You are welcome to use whichever style. guide you prefer, provided you are consistent. An MLA style. guide is provided in your Assessment folder for your reference.

Research essays should be 1500 words.

Your submission should include a cover page with your name, the name of this course, the title of your assignment, the total word count, and declaration of whether AI has been used in this assignment.

AI/MT Policy:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be used in this assessment task provided it is transparent and limited to editorial use. You cannot use AI to write your assignment or pick your assignment topic. AI can be used to assist research, or to edit your writing. If you use AI for this assignment, you must include the prompts at the end of your assignment, under the bibliography. Failure to use of AI technologies without acknowledgement is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Whilst students may use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or Machine Translation (MT) technologies, successful completion of assessment in this course will require students to critically engage in specific contexts and tasks for which artificial intelligence will provide only limited support and guidance. A failure to reference generative AI or MT use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

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