Music 119 (2025) – Assignment 4 Instructions
Assigned: February 24th, 2025
Due: March 7th, 2025
Theme: Signal Processing
In the assignment Canvas folder, you will find a stereo wave file that contains a recording of an acoustic guitar (48kHz/24bit).
The sound of the guitar has at least one somewhat overpowering low frequency resonance that is reducing the clarity of the sound, making the guitar a bit “ muddy” or “ boxy”. Using a parametric equalizer, please identify and attenuate what you hear as being the strongest problematic resonance. Using that same equalizer, please make the sound of the instrument brighter (more high frequencies), to your taste.
After you have EQ’d the guitar, use a reverb plugin to add some ambience to the guitar. The type and amount of ambience is entirely up to you. Do this by either inserting a stereo reverb plugin on the guitar track and adjusting the wet/dry mix, or sending the sound of the guitar to an aux track within the DAW that contains a reverb plugin (as we saw in class).
When you have completed this, create a mix wherein the maximum peak amplitude of the guitar excerpt is between -2dB and -0.5dB, then render/mixdown/bounce the file.
Please upload to Canvas:
1) A single, stereo WAVE file, 48kHz/24bit resolution, containing your mix. This file should be named using the following convention:
“first name.last name.student number.Music 119 Assignment 4.wav”
2) A single page PDF containing: your name, a screenshot of the EQ sebngs, a screenshot of the reverb sebngs.