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辅导 GTSU2003 Green Supply Chain Management辅导 数据结构语言程序

Instructions for Individual Assignment

• Please answer the following questions.

• No need to include a cover page. But you should include the following information at the beginning of your assignment:

o Course Title: Green Supply Chain Management

o Course Code: GTSU2003

o Class Number (100X)

o Individual Assignment

o Student ID

o Student name (Pinyin)

The maximum number of assignment pages is no more than six pages (Times New Roman, single-spaced). Please aim to use your own words to answer the questions rather than copying and pasting from sources such as the slides or the textbook.

• Please use the APA referencing format when citing others’ works

• This assignment is worth 20% of the total course marks

• Due date: This assignment is due by 5:00 pm on Friday, March 7, 2025. Please upload a soft copy to iSpace and submit a hard copy to the TA (Teaching Assistant). Late submissions will incur a deduction of up to 20%. If late for more than one week, the marks will be zero.

• Turnitin will examine the submitted assignment. If the similarity with a single source exceeds 10% or the total similarity exceeds 50% (which is higher), the assignment will be chosen for further investigation. The grade for cases of serious plagiarism may be reduced by at least 50%.

• No AI tools are permitted for this assignment.

Multiple Choice Questions (25%)

Input the answers for MCQs 1 to 5 in the table below:






1. Which of the following is NOT about social sustainability in the supply chain?

A. Public health.

B. Route optimization.

C. Animal welfare.

D. Production security.

2. Ideally, the preferred inventory strategy to enable a supply chain manager to forecast the market demand to acquire more competitive advantage would be _____  .


B. Agile

C. Lean

D. Cross-docking

3. Which one is NOT part of Sustainability?

A. Economic dimension

B. Governance dimension

C. Environmental dimension

D. Social dimension

4. Regardless of whether it’s in containers or in bulk, freight is usually a less speedy but economical choice for conveying predominantly low-cost, high-quantity products over land routes or inland areas.

A. Sea

B. Rail

C. Road

D. Air

5. Which one is NOT considered as a negative externality of freight transport?

A. Increased noise

B. Increased concern about public health

C. Reduced air pollution

D. Increased traffic congestion and accidence

Short Answer Question (75%)

Questions 1 (25%)

Please discuss five of the six key logistics and supply chain management trends that can impact sustainability. For each of the five trends you select, clearly outline the effect and explain the reasons behind the effect.

Questions 2 (24%)

Please discuss four levels of corporate social responsibility (CSR) with business examples.

Questions 3 (26%)

Please discuss the differences between logistics and reverse logistics with sample pictures (please draw two graphs to compare logistics and reverse logistics after your discussion).

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