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辅导 AFE6031-B Module Handbook Accounting and Finance Project 2024/5讲解 Python语言程序

AFE6031-B Module Handbook

Accounting and Finance Project

2024/5 Academic Year

Semester: University of Bradford / Semester 2

Module Level: FHEQ Level 6

University of Bradford Credits: 20

Module Reading and Resources List:


This handbook gives you valuable information about your module, including which topics you will be studying, how you will be assessed and what learning materials you will need.

If you have any questions after reading this handbook or at any point during your module, please talk to your Module Tutor. For help and support with your module, visit the 'Module Contacts' section of your Canvas course (our Virtual Learning Environment) or speak to your Personal Academic Tutor.

1. Welcome and introduction

2. Module aims and outcomes

3. Module organisation of work and topics

4. Learning and teaching on this module

5. Module Assessments

6. Developing good academic practice

7. Consideration of personal circumstances

8. How this module is reviewed

Welcome and introduction

Module aims and outcomes

The Individual Project provides the final year student with the opportunity to develop investigative skills and the ability to present a coherent project. Specifically, to investigate in detail a particular area or topic in accounting and or finance.

Module learning outcomes (LOs)

01. Critically review a topic through documentary research Deepen your knowledge and understanding of a particular topic in one of the above-mentioned fields

02. Use a range of research skills, including searching academic sources, interpreting and analysing data, and evaluating theories and methodology.

03. Present a coherent, comprehensive and clearly-written report.

Module organisation of work and topics

The module reading list is a great place to start your reading on the topic. You can access it here. You can also find your reading list on your canvas site or on our reading list database, TalisAspire.

The outline syllabus gives you an indication of which topics you will study. This information may be subject to change, so please keep a record of any module announcements regarding changes from your Module Tutor, from canvas, or by electronic communication.

Module Topics

Any area of accounting and or finance approved by the tutor.

Learning and teaching on this module

Research is developed with either online or on campus meetings with your supervisor to support the process of Project supervision .

Throughout Semester 2 of Stage 3 you will have a series of either online or on campus meetings with your supervisor, totalling 4 hours, working towards the development of the 4,000 word project,which should be submitted at the end of Semester 2.

The project should demonstrate that you thoroughly researched the appropriate theories, literature and methodology in a specific topic in accounting or finance selected by you and assesses Lo1; Lo 2 and Lo3

Scheduled module learning (hours)

This module carries hours of study, usually distributed as follows. These may be subject to change in exceptional circumstances due to internal resources or external demands. You will be notified of any changes.

Lectures - 4

Directed Study - 196

Module Assessments

Summative: Coursework - Written (weighting 100%)

Individual Assignment 0-4000 words

Assessment Briefing Information

Additional assignment briefing information to help and support you with your assessment for this module will be provided by your module tutor.

Developing good academic practice

Referencing Style

We expect you to act with integrity throughout your studies and in your assessments. This means presenting your own work, written in your own words, and clearly indicating through referencing where you have read and used the work and ideas of others.

The academic referencing and citation style. for this module is

If you need help with understanding referencing and using the style, you can look at the University's Guide. This guide also contains information about online tools that help you write your references. For more in depth support, you can contact your subject librarian or make an appointment, or you can book onto a workshop.

Study Skills Support

Most students find that they need some assistance, guidance or reassurance at some point during their studies. For help and support with your module, visit the 'Module Contacts' section of your Canvas course or speak to your Personal Academic Tutor. The name and contact details of your PAT are available on your student record on e:vision. Your well-being is important for effective study, so do not be afraid to contact the Student Life and Wellbeing Services if you need help. There are a range of Student Services at the University who can also support you with your studies, including the Academic SkillsAdvice Service who provide a range of self-access skills resources, workshops and 1:1 appointments and the Language Centre who can help with English for academic purposes.

You can also contact your subject librarian for help with finding information and using Library resources. For more information about the wide range of support available during your studies, visit the ‘Supporting your Learning at Bradford’ page on Canvas.

Academic Misconduct

As a student, you are expected to complete all work independently and honestly, using an appropriate academic style. Failure to do so may result in penalties for academic misconduct.

All students are expected to complete the University'sAcademic Integrity Induction module in Canvas during their first term of study. If you haven't done this already, you can find it on your Canvas dashboard under 'Essential E-Learning'.

To find out more about academic integrity and the University's regulations regarding academic misconduct, visit the Student Casework site.

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