MCD4700 Introduction to Computer Systems, Networks and Security - T2 2024
Assignment 2 – Processes and MARIE Programming_Instruction
Processes and programs are what makes computers do what we want them to do. In the first part of this assignment, students will investigate the processes running on their computers. The second part is about programming in MARIE assembly language. This will allow students to demonstrate their comprehension of the fundamental way a processor works.
The assignment relates to Unit Learning Outcomes 2, 3 and 4.
Your task
For part 1, you will write a short report describing the processes that are running on your computer.
For part 2, you will implement a simple game in the MARIE assembly language.
20% of your total marks for the unit
The assignment is marked out of 100 marks.
Word Limit
See individual instructions
Due Date
11:55 pm Friday 9 August 2024 (Week7)
● Via Moodle Assignment Submission.
● Turnitin will be used for similarity checking of all submissions.
● This is an individual assignment (group work is not permitted).
● Handwritten work is not accepted. docx for the written tasks.
● MARIE files for the second part
● DRAFT submission is not assessed.
● You will need to explain your code in an interview.
Assessment Criteria
Part 1 is assessed based on correctness and completeness of the descriptions. Part 2 is assessed based on correctness of the code, documentation/comments, and test cases. See instructions for details.
1. Processes (15 marks)
Calculate the turnaround time for the following processes and subsequently calculate their average turnaround time
Processing Time
a- In FCFS first-come first-served
Processing Time
turnaround time
b- In SJF shortest job first
Processing Time
turnaround time
c- In Round Robin with slice time=3
Processing Time
turnaround time
2. MARIE (65 marks)
In this task you will develop a MARIE application that performs some manipulation of characters, strings and numbers. We will break it down into small steps for you. Most of the tasks require you to write code and test cases. The code must contain proper comments and well indented. You submit it as .mas files together with the rest of your assignment. The test cases should also be working, self-contained MARIE assembly files (without requiring much input from the user).
In-Class interviews: You will be required to demonstrate your code to your tutor after the submission deadline. Failure to demonstrate will lead to “zero marks” being awarded to the entire programming part of this assignment.
Background - Lists of data
This section introduces the concepts you need for the rest of the assignment. A string is a sequence of characters. It’s the basic data structure for storing text in a computer. There are several different ways of representing a string in memory and how to deal with strings of arbitrary length.
For this assignment, we will use the following string representation:
● A string is represented in contiguous memory locations, with each address containing one character.
● The characters are encoded using the ASCII encoding.
● End of a string is marked by the ASCII character ‘ . ’ (i.e. dot or full-stop).
● A string can be of any arbitrary length, and will be terminated by a ’.’, and it may contain any of the following: alphabets (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), ASCII Space Character (Hex
020) and New Line (Hex 00A).
Here is an example. A string “Dong Satria.” will be represented in memory (written as hexadecimal numbers):
Note that, in the above example, for a string with 10 characters, we need (10+2) words of MARIE memory in order to store all the characters belonging to that string (including a space and a ‘ . ’ characters).
In MARIE assembly language programming, we can make use of the ADR command, the HEX keyword and a label “myString” to put this string into memory:
myStringAddr, ADR myString
myString, HEX 044 /’D’
HEX 06F /’o’
HEX 06E /’n’
HEX 067 /’g’
HEX 020 /Space
HEX 053 /’S’
HEX 061 /’a’
HEX 074 /’t’
HEX 072 /’r’
HEX 069 /’i’
HEX 061 /’a’
HEX 02E /’ . ’
2.1. Your name as a MARIE string (5 marks)
The following example of a MARIE string “myString” encodes a name and an ID using ASCII characters. The “name” is separated from the ID by an ASCII character “Hex 00A” (New Line). Different parts of a name are separated by another ASCII character “Hex 020” (Space). And the entire string, consisting of a name and an ID, is terminated by a dot ‘ . ’ character.
Please see the example below. The label “myStringAddr” holds the address of the first character of the string. You need to follow this MARIE string while solving the task given below.
ADR myString
HEX 044
HEX 067
HEX 020
HEX 053
HEX 061 /’a’
HEX 074 /’t’
HEX 072 /’r’
HEX 069 /’i’
HEX 061 /’a’
/NL(New Line)
HEX 032
HEX 031
HEX 038
HEX 033
HEX 039
HEX 039
HEX 030
HEX 030
Prepare a MARIE program to encode a string that includes your full name (first name and last name) and your student ID using ASCII characters. Following the above example, you need to use two labels, one label (e.g. “myString”) to store the first character of the string, and another label (e.g. “myStringAddr”) to store the address of the first character of the same string.
You need to submit a MARIE file that contains codes, using the ADR command and HEX keywords (like the above example), so that after assembling, your name, ID and the address (of the first character of the string) is stored in MARIE memory. The codes must be accompanied by appropriate comments (as a paragraph before any block of code or subroutine or as inline comments wherever appropriate).
2.2. Printing string (10 marks)
Prepare a MARIE program that can print the ASCII ‘ . ’ terminated string of your name and your student ID that you have implemented in task 2.1. You may use the “Output” instruction to print characters in the MARIE output space. The program should be able to print any string that terminated with ‘ . ’.
Hint: In your program, you need to use a label “myString” that holds the start address of the string (like, myStringAddr) that you want to print. Then, you should load a character from the address “myString” , print the character, then increment the address by one, and keep doing that up to the character loaded from the address is a ‘ . ’ (which signals the end of the string). The output may look similar to the output below. The codes must be accompanied by appropriate comments (as a paragraph before any block of code or subroutine or as inline comments wherever appropriate).
Inside the Memory
Figure 1: Print your name and ID
2.3 Subroutine to print the name and the colour of a suit (25 marks)
The standard 52-card deck of French-suited playing cards is widely utilised in various card games. This deck consists of 13 ranks in each of the four suits: clubs (♣), diamonds (◆),
hearts (♥), and spades (♠).
Your task is to prepare a MARIE subroutine named subSuit, designed to accept one of four characters (c, d, h and s) representing the suits of the cards. Subsequently, based on the
input character, the subroutine should display the name and the colour of the corresponding suit.
You are required to provide the following messages associated with the input:
Input (Decimal)
Output (Unicode)
Black Clubs
Red Diamonds
Red Harts
Black Spades
Anything else
Wrong Suits
Write a main program where the user will be:
a. Asked to enter (input) a character.
b. Find and display (output) the appropriate message.
The code should be well-commented to explain its functionality. To ensure clarity and efficiency, the code should be structured as a subroutine called using the JnS instruction in MARIE assembly language. Additionally, the code should avoid duplication and unnecessary statements.
Figure 2.a: Reading a Character and Display a Message
Figure 2.b: Reading Wrong Character
2.4 Assembly Language and Machine Language (15 marks)
This task is for HD students
To get HD in this assignment you have to think again before ignoring this task
a. Write at least four differences between (at most 200 words):
i. Assembly Language
ii. Machine Language
b. Prepare a MARIE program that prints the digits from 9 to 1 followed by a plus (+) sign in:
i. Assembly Language
ii. Machine Language
The codes must be accompanied by appropriate comments (as a paragraph before any block of code or subroutine or as inline comments wherever appropriate). The code of the assemble and the machine should be in one MARIE file called (AssemblyANDMachine).