ITC 2400
Spring 2025
Create a site structure for a zoos web site.
You are to have a site-specific banner image with an overlay that displays your name plus the words “Zoos to be Seen”. AI art is preferred (Adobe Firefly or Microsoft co-pilot or Chat GPT).
You must have a horizontal nav section that is positioned under, the header section. The nav section links will navigate through at least three pages within your site plus the home page. You must have a link to an 'about us' page, and a 'contact' page, and a 'fun facts' page. You may use Lorem Ipsom paragraphs on the'about'and'contact' pages. The 'fun facts' page must present at least four fun facts about zoos or animals. Any page that is treated with minimal effort will be graded accordingly.
On your home page you are to have a page narrative that discusses why viewers should be interested in visiting a zoo. Your narrative must be extensive, fill a majority of the page and it must be of your own writing. Lorem Ipsom paragraphs are not acceptable for this narrative. AI generated content or an AI generated narrative is not acceptable for this page.
You must use a media query to change the page's background image on all pages when the browser screen is resized from a desktop configuration to a mobile device..
You must use fonts that are obtained from another source. (i.e. Google fonts). You must use variable width fontssettings.
You must include a 'viewport' statement on each page.
You must include at least three HTML5 semantic elements in all pages of your site design.
You must have links to at least 3 external zoo sites that will connect to a zoo that would be to your liking. All links must display a hover effect. All links must open in a new tab.
You must have a structure that contains 4 animal images of equal size and each image must link to a site that will provide very specific information about that animal. Wikipedia is too easy, be more results oriented. All images must behave in a responsive manner. All images must display a hover effect that changes the shape of the image.
You must have a footer on all pages that identifies you as the page author. You must have multiple images on the page that are mixed in with the text narrative and relative to the purpose of your site.
All content is to be displayed using CSS to control the appearance and functionality of the page. The CSS page must be external to the index page. The CSS page(s) should be connected using the @import option.
The entire site structure must be submitted as one compressed folder.